
Kiwanis Club Lübeck-Hanse hilft at Schulstart

Kiwanis Club Lübeck-Hanse hilft at Schulstart

Lübeck: Zum Schulstart spendet der Kiwanis Club Lübeck-Hanse qualitatively high new debts, including Sportbeutel, complete Federmappe and Heftbox in Gesamtwert of around 2000 Euro for the new Schuljahr 2024/25.

“If the Educational Leader of the Children’s and Youth Association (KJHV) Heike Dunker is with the bitte um eine Spende in Form von Schulranzen and our Kiwanis Club Lübeck-Hanse wandte, where our Club spontaneously prepared, which of the KJHV bereuten Familien zu unterstützen “, message from the Club.

Der KJHV Lübeck is een vrijer Träger unterstützt und berät Familien, Kinder und Jugendliche. Die Mitarbeiter begleiten im großen Maße schulpflichtige Kinder and Jugendliche. The children of the social families can often save money and not give the child all the inheritance they wish.

“They have happy children who have achieved a great deal of happiness, who, independently of them, have started to face new debts,” the club reports. “So much for the comfort of the contents of the Lupe-genommen and the Tragekomfort testedet. A special moment awaits the Kiwanis President Jochen Lühr and the expected Betreuer in happy children’s memories to enjoy.”

“With the Schulranzen-Projekt we could start with a good debt with the children and the family could take on the last of the debts!”, thus the Kiwanis Botschaft.

The workers Tamy Standfuss, Diana Podhorsky and the workers Milas Harzendorf thanked them again and again: “The expenditure is a great help for our families.”

The main characters of the Kiwanis clubs are the Support of Children and Youth in Lübeck. The money raised for support was spent during most of the actions that were generated, with the many charity events: The Erbsensuppen-Essen in the ship association with the Passat choir in January, the KüchenHaus party in the Hauck restaurant in Hamberge (next term on 9 November 2024) and in the Advent and winter season of the publication of “Holunder-Beer Punsch” in front of the Town Hall.

Stellvertretend for the others Schulkinder nahm Ildana ihren Schulranzen stolz in Besitz. Photo: Horst-Dieter Brück

Stellvertretend for the others Schulkinder nahm Ildana ihren Schulranzen stolz in Besitz. Photo: Horst-Dieter Brück

Text number: 167892 Author: Horst-Dieter Brück from 27.08.2024 at 4.43 pm

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