
The Bedeutung is an effective business management

The Bedeutung is an effective business management

Business Systems Restructuring – Managing Effective Business Management

Krankenkassen und Verände drängen auf Sanierung im Krankenhauswesen in Rheinland-Pfalz

The light sick insurer and associations provide substantial business in the hospital system in Rhineland-Palatinate, a patient organization that works and will purchase more functional basic conditions. If you pay attention, smaller mergers and services and other standards are carried out in the bundle. The AOK and the IKK Südwest as well as the association of replacement funds (vdek) are outside these views in Mainz. The targeted medical outpatient clinic is engaged in the treatment of health insurance, the care for health care and health care, which has a great concern for health care.

Superior stationary care

The health care providers and associations support the development of a study by the Institute for Health Care GmbH, as well as the care provided by the health care providers in Rhineland-Palatinate and the Federal Medical Service. Obwohl de Zahl der Hausärzte in der Region hoch ist, liegt der Anteil and Fachärzten unter dem Bundesdurchschnitt. This is a higher concern of patients in the stationary treatment with niedriger Schweregrad. The study will take place in June.

“It is a matter of time”

Before the Veränderungen in Rheinland-Pfalz were amended, the implementation of the Krankenhaus reform was notable. Daniel Schilling, a concrete nerd from the Voorstandsmitglied of IKK Südwest, said “it’s time to act.” The Principal of the AOK-Vorstands, Martina Niemeyer, guarantees that the non-fallmedizinische Versorgung in ländlichen Gebieten nicht beeinträchtigt würde. By the Leader of the Landesgeschäftsstelle, Martin Schneider, schlug vor, het Zeichen von der Landesregierung darauf hindeuten, dass sie der Analyze der Studie at the same time. All the rest of the country’s health care finances are thoroughly improved.

Siege the borders of the Borders

The director of the institutes for the Gesundheitswirtschaft GmbH, Boris Augurzky, has taken charge of the change of the Krankenhausdienstleistungen over the regional Borders that are looking for information. The Rhineland-Palatinate and the four Borders in the Nachbarländern are a vorteilhaft, such as the Structures in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg and Saarland abroad.

Krankenhausreform by Federal Minister Lauterbach

The Krankenhausreform would have been introduced in the German Bundestag. The initiative of the ministers of the Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has brought about the financing of the financing of the economy and the quality standards. The financing of the clinic by the Krankenkassen is appreciated by defining the Leistungsgruppen, which make the smallest investments.

Foreign Minister Lauterbach is entitled to another plan, more specialization and a narrower hereditary enterprise, a way to broaden its care. The reform has become insolvent on September 25 of the clinic until 2030.

The care providers are responsible for the care of the health care providers in Rhineland-Palatinate as well as the efficient care of the health care providers in the region. There are problems that arise, it is a smaller task to work together and the Schwerpunkt on more outpatient hospitals in the emptying, such as the representative of AOK, IKK Südwest and vdek in Mainz before it has developed.

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