
POL-BO: Unbekannte Autofahrerin fährt verletzte Radfahrerin after Verkehrsunfall zur …

POL-BO: Unbekannte Autofahrerin fährt verletzte Radfahrerin after Verkehrsunfall zur …

Bochum Police

Bochum (ots)

After a traffic accident, the better car driver brought an injured bike driver (49, from Bochum) to his workplace by car – and then he goes on. The police left the accident and the unintentional woman told us that she reported it.

The Autofahrerin before the Donnerstag, August 29, around 6 o’clock on the Harpener Hellweg vom Sheffield-Ring arriving at the Autobahnbrücke A40/A43 in Bochum. In the meantime, you will find the instructions in the top of the house number 12 in a column with the traffic light coming through, with the help of the mother and their loved ones.

If you have found a common community in the kitchen and the police, the car driver put the damaged bicycle in the restaurant of the adjacent fast food restaurants and let the injured woman do their job. Then it is time.

A company company has deployed the police and a rescue vehicle, which has led to outpatient care resulting in injuries in the hospital.

One of the costs that caused damage was 1500 euros.

The unintended woman would be given the following description: ca. 20 years old, ca. 1.70 m gross, powerful figure, blond hair, piercing in the nose (septum piercing). If the car is sold, this is a black Ford Street deal.

Please report to the Traffic Commissioner if you have any other Zeugen, under the Rufnummer 0234 909-5206.

Questions to ask are:

Bochum Police
Mirella Turek
Phone: 0234 909-1027
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Polizei Bochum, übermittelt durch news aktuell