
Diese Regeln gilten in der Schweiz

Diese Regeln gilten in der Schweiz


24/7 availabilityDiese Regeln gilten in der Schweiz

Während Australien ein nicht gesetz zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern einführt, sind ähnliche Bestrebungen (bisher) in der Schweiz gescheitert.

Daniela Wyler
  • In Australian gilded style, a right to a night-time barbecue after a feierabend and in the holiday home can take place.

  • In the Switzerland era, there has been a political pressure on the judiciary, which started a year ago in 2017.

  • Länder wie Frankreich and Deutschland have the rules of the Schutz der Arbeitnehmer eingeführt.

You can spend a right to a night abroad and in the holiday in Australia. The new reform of the Labor Law is published in the form of notices, notices, notices and e-mails that are ignored by the Arbeitszeiten. If the message ‘Tages-Anzeiger’ is sent, this is not verboten, but there is no indication that there are more buses are punished: Vorgesetzte risks up to 11,000 Francs Strafe, Unternehmen up to 54,000 Francs.

The reform will continue unchanged for years, which in Australia will continue for 281 years. There is a war going on which has given the Arbeitszeit a certain thing.

Who sees reality in Switzerland?

Auch in Schweiz becomes es busy, in der Freizeit zu work. Obwohl das Schweizer Arbeitsgesetz Erreichbarkeit in ringen Fällen erlaubt, gilded ansonsten der Grundsatz, dass Angestellte in de Ferien nicht erreichbar sein müssen. Statements have been made about the «Barometer Good Work» 2023 of the trip about four of the Angestellten that are higher than the Work Time.

Gemäss Travelsuisse hat dies Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Beitnehmenden: “Durch Arbeit in der Freizeit bleibt zu wenig Zeit für Familie and Soziales, and es fehlen Ausgleich and Erholungsmöglichkeiten.”

Misslungener Vorstoss in Switzerland

The Grüne-Nationalrätin Lisa Mazzone reichte im März 2017 a Motion zum Thema ein. Darin wurde der Bundesrat beauftragt, “for the people in Switzerland an explicit right to abstain from their communication activities to ensure that their work is fulfilled in a timely manner.”

In a response letter from the Bundesrat: “Whoever has the right to an agreement with the workers, will be able to benefit from the labor benefits, and will be able to benefit from this right.” And further: “There are many indications that there is a clear and transparent arrangement for the standard achievement.” There is an empfahl die Motion zur Ablehnung.

While the movement is taking place, there is no internal dichotomy being discussed in the rat.

Politics is a good thing, the English government will concern itself with the national Wirtschaftskommission, which has a right to Nichterreich affairs at the Arbeit in the home office.

In other states, in France and Germany, there are general rules, which receive more messages from the “Tages-Anzeiger”. France has since 2017 brought a company that has taken over the rights of the judge offline to the court, but those rights are now for the company with more than 50 gilded amounts. Also states in Central and South America have a comparable law eingeführt, which guaranteed the protection of workers.

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