
Design studio Bachelor thesis SS24

Design studio Bachelor thesis SS24

Design studio Bachelor thesis SS24 – Strange Realisms

taught by Tim Altenhof & Giacomo Pala

In our studio we emphasize that ideas often emerge from existing knowledge and that practices such as reuse and appropriation are essential in design and textual production.

Unlike written works, which make explicit use of elements, architectural references, such as those to the Parthenon, are much more informal.

Design studio Bachelor thesis SS24

Last exhibition, June 2024

For the first semester we introduced a card game. Each student chooses a house card, analyzes it, writes an essay and adjusts the design.
These exercises, which cover various historical and contemporary architectural styles, will prepare you for your bachelor’s thesis in architectural theory.

In the second semester, drawing on previous experiences, you choose an imaginary place to inspire your thesis. In pairs, you develop a contemporary research theme based on these places, resulting in the writing of a research book and a design.
The environments offered, such as the wooded Acaire or the cliff-fringed Nepenthe, invite exploration of themes such as ecology, climate change, the Anthropocene, new identities, contemporary urban issues, new forms of expression, technological advances and much more. These topics can be explored by each project.

What avenues of inquiry could you explore by thinking, writing, and designing within your own framework?