
Rudy Giuliani has mental breakdown at Trump rally

Rudy Giuliani has mental breakdown at Trump rally

Speaking at a Trump rally in Uniondale, New York, Rudy Giuliani nearly foamed at the mouth and shouted at the crowd, “I will find them, I did it to the Mafia! I will get you!”

Who was Rudy talking about? Who is he going to get?

The Deep State? The International Assassin’s Guild? Swamp Dwellers? The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

I think he is a little too late to find someone or something, since he has already been discredited, disbarred and charged for his immoral and criminal actions. Maybe he should find someone mental health First.

GIULIANI: This time he has to make America America again. And you’re going to do that for him. God bless Donald J. Trump, his wonderful family. I pray to God that he keeps them alive.

No more attacks!

No more!

Stop that.

If there’s someone behind this, I’ll find him.

I did it to the mafia.

I can do it to them.

If you stand behind it, I’ll look at you and I’ll get you.

I thought he was going to faint on the spot.

Rudy thinks the left hates him because of Hunter Biden’s laptop. We don’t hate him just because of that. It’s a minor offense on the scale of his corruption.

Taking treasonous actions to thwart the 2020 election was the icing on the cake of his insane subservience to the former clown president.

But behavior like that of the elderly is either a urinary tract infection or dementia. Rudy needs a doctor urgently.