
Asiens Börsen mehrheitlich schwächer — Aroundtown said that nach erstem Halbjahr 2024 and was so clear

Asiens Börsen mehrheitlich schwächer — Aroundtown said that nach erstem Halbjahr 2024 and was so clear

The German Aktienmarkt is active in the trading day of the Woche leichte Gewinne.

There DAX Mark your first moderate course in Plus. I started reading it again, it was just a matter of time and it got postponed. The news is that the German Börsenbarometer that 18,700-Punkte-Marke hinter sich, schloss dann aber knapp unter dieser: Bei 18,681.81 Zählern (plus 0.35 Prozent) went by DAX in the Feierabend.
There TecDAX were unterdessen with one light minus in the Handel eingestiegen; Schnell set up a friendly trend here. The TecDAX offers the right to comfort in the profit zone (plus 0.75 Prozent) at 3,349.10 Index points from the Sitzung.

After the long rally of the secret Aktienmarkt weiter zu. During the trading days of the week there were impulses for the business all things mangelware, the work orders are still available. “The Motto of Stundet an den Börsen aktuell ‘Abwarten'”, schrieb analyst Thomas Altmann of QC Partners. “If you say that most of the fear is in a wrong position, it is so,” said the market expert. I think it’s the US government that pushed the NVIDIA agenda.

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