
Ooono Sirene: Panik-Knopf soll Helfer-Netzwerk active

Ooono Sirene: Panik-Knopf soll Helfer-Netzwerk active

Ooono Sirene: Panik-Knopf soll Helfer-Netzwerk active

While most utility transmitters come loose for a while and use all the radar checks and Blitzer Panic attacks. If the human has a problem with a problem, it can be a problem, but it is a new Ooono Siren and it was different. If you are dealing with a gadget, it can all occur in an unsafe situation. With the Panic Button you can take a network and active activities.

The idea of ​​the gadgets is quickly clear, but it is still not the intention to extract the functionality from it, when Ooono Sirene started in September. The small Panik-Button is tested in Denmark for a year, in the Heimatland of the repairers.

If you press the button of only 4.7 large Gadgets, you can give a bundled app on the iPhone or Android smartphone a warning and send the old Runner network. As another Siren Nutzer and a voluntary Helfer the autumn can find the best in the following situation. A nagger of the Knackpunkte: A feeling of security can Ooono Siren only spread, when the Community becomes larger.

On the About-Seite of Ooono lies the fact that the description is a little different. Here an Auszug:

There are no more buttons that you can use to get the entire network from the extended contacts. If you want to choose a location and direct it to your page in an unsafe situation. You can not contact the police to play. They serve as sows and can be so courteous that the situation changes in the situation. And it is not easy, the Polizei zu rufen.

Here also came an end to the Reason of Contacts, not of Members from the Siren Community. Basically in every fall, once again at the market start once again with the function of Ooono Sirene auseinanderzusetzen. In principle, the Panic Button is a great idea – but there is in the Everyday a feeling of the Security available, which can be used.

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