
Where is the series filmed?

Where is the series filmed?

The new pre-sale series “Die Landarztpraxis” has made a major contribution to the private consignor for a year Sat.1 re-launched. From October 16, 2023 to January 10, 2024, the series will be held every evening at 7 p.m. over the screen. At the center of the action is Sarah König, played by Caroline Frier, who leaves Berlin for the Bavarian province. With more Leo in the package, the stress in the job in the capital is emphasized by the all-label of the named Landarztpraxis ein. Immediately after preparing the first step, Staffel has started preparing the steps on 2. Staffel of “Die Landarztpraxis” has started.

80 new films from the vorabendserie will be – where exactly? We will see that the new series of films is made. All information about the Drehorten of “Die Landarztpraxis” comes from Drehverbot in Bayrischzell and has its origin here.

Drehorte von “Die Landarztpraxis”: Would the Sat.1-Serie be drehh?

The Landarztpraxis takes place in the fictional Ort “Wiesenkirchen”, der am Schliersee in the Bavarian Alps. Im Gegensatz zum thoughtsen Schauplatz des Geschehens gibt es den See tatsächlich. There is something to be found in the Bavarian Alps in the Miesbach district. While the Schliersee is in the North and is a credible Urlaubsort, the man can wander here in the summer if he goes skiing in the winter. Zwischen de Szenen der Serie is eender wieder Landschaftsaufnahmen vom See, von den Bergen and de Wäldern der Regio zu sehen.

The Schliersee.

The Schliersee.
Photo: SAT.1 / Benedikt Müller

One of the following questions is to use “Die Landarztpraxis”:

  • Upper Firstalm
  • Upper Leitenhof
  • Schliersee boot house
  • Schliersee beach
  • Bavaria
  • Kurpark Bayrischzell
  • Spitzingmeer
  • Valepp Clamm
  • Fishpond
  • Kurpark Fischbachau
  • Birkenstein Fischbachau wall chapel

If you want to get to know the Drehorte yourself, you can meet another one on the Bank Platz, and know Leo (Katharina Hirschberg) and Basti (Simon Lucas) in the series. You will find it on the Parkplatz vom Strandbad Schliersee.

Drehverbot in Bayrischzell: Was it for “Die Landarztpraxis”?

The threshold of the first staff member will be located at the Gemeinde Bayrischzell, approximately 15 kilometers from Lake Schliersee. If you find yourself in the Oberbayerischen Gemeinde in Zurich are subject to stricter regulations, we will continue to get used to working for “land management practices” in Bavaria.

Sat.1-Sendersprecher Christoph Körfer gab jedoch Entwarnung: “The two Staffel ‘Die Landarztpraxis’ would be a wonderful Schliersee and am Schliersee gedreht in the Bergen. For the fans of Landärztin Dr. Sarah König and the idyllic Wiesenkirchen nothing changes. Warum? In Staffel 1 enjoy plenty of drehtage and open spaces in Bayrischzell. Sat.1 Freut sich auf 80 new follow.” Bei Bayischzell hat es ich demnach ohnehin um one of which weighty Drehort for the Vorabendserie acted. Those Dreharbeiten zur 2. Staffel became sich daher daher des Verbots auch nicht verzögern.