
Bertelsmann has updated its Total Year Forecast

Bertelsmann has updated its Total Year Forecast

Bertelsmann hat is the Mittwoch that Zahlen wears for his first Halbjahr. The result of the Konzernumsatz um 7.5 Prozent auf 9.0 Billion Euro zurück – was a more dramatic anhört, as it is, weil esch ganz einfach by the Verkauf von Majorel in vergangen Jahr begründen lässt. Right man das heraus, then you will show Bertelsmann an organic Umsatzwachstum of 3.7 Prozent, which is as high as in the year of decline, if the Umsatz organic is a 2.3 Prozent warchsen war.

Quickly view all messages available from Bertelsmann Marketing Services customer service, here Bertelsmann reports on a “comprehensive back-up inquiry into print products and a halt to advertising at the Marketing Services”.

The cost of repaying the Majorel sale depends on how the employee was able to keep Ergebnis constant with 1.249 million euros that he raised. The holdings in the two-tiered profit range are Penguin Random House, BMG, Bertelsmann Marketing Services, the Bertelsmann Education Group and Bertelsmann Investments. The group’s holding has yielded 60 percent for an amount of 416 million euros per year.

Bertelsmann CEO Thomas Rabe said he would “be pleased with our achievements in Monaten first and foremost”. We read further: “The Boost program continues in Hochtouren – with a total investment of 1 million euros, the start of the programs yields 5 million euros. The first results produced in the United States have been produced on a large scale.”

Finanzvorstand Rolf Hellermann ergänzte: “Für das Gesamtjahr geht Bertelsmann weiterhin von eenem insgesamt positiven Geschäftsverlauf aus. We have our own forecast for 2024 and rectify with a deutlichen Umsatz- und Ergebnisanstieg in the fortgesetzten Geschäften. Wegen der bereits inheritance Verkäufe von Majorel and DDV Mediengruppe erwarten wir im einen temperate Umsatz- und Ergebnisrückgang.”