
Canton St. Gallen stops sales of Fleischprodukten

In the canton of St. Gallen, Trinkwasser is questioned. He says that there is no PFAS-Werte. (Archivbild)
In the canton of St. Gallen, Trinkwasser is questioned. He says that there is no PFAS-Werte. (Archivbild)


A part of life was no longer sold in the Canton of St. Gallen. Grund is the high chemical-tax.

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  • The Kanton St. Gallen hat in the Fleisch von einigen Kühen and Rindern hohe PFAS-Werte knives.
  • The sale of life has come to an end.

The canton of St. Gallen has eliminated high PFAS values ​​in the meat of a few cows and cattle. The sale of life will stop. The St. Gallen government offers a national action plan in the form of a chemical plant.

Der Kanton vermutet gemäss Mitteilung der Staatskanzlei vom Mittwoch als Ursache van kosteneten Landwirtschaftsflächen in perhaps cases Fallen Klärschlamm aus Abwasserreinigungsanlagen. In 2006, Dieser dared to introduce the Chemicals “Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Compounds” (PFAS) into the right soil as a Dünger auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen ausbracht.

PFAS is a chemical substance. You will have years of industrial pleasure from washing wash water in raincoats, teflon coating of frying pans or from liquid foam. These chemicals depend on the environment and cooking in the dubbing, so that the human will be nachgewissen. For the human you pose a possible risk.

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