
Kaymak at Gottfried OH Naumann Foundation Professorship for Epidemiology and Prevention of Myopia

Kaymak at Gottfried OH Naumann Foundation Professorship for Epidemiology and Prevention of Myopia

Homburg/Saar. Effective preventive measures for the examination and myopia of children to recognize and treat, if the eye of Professor Hakan Kaymak is used. The ophthalmological world, which is the University of Saarland in the Mittwoch-Mitteilte, in May 2024, a new Gottfried OH Naumann Foundation professor for epidemiology and prevention of myopia in Homburg / Saar is appointed. Kaymak is the first study center in Germany, which is actively involved in the prevention and therapy of myopia in children and young adults.

The Forscher prosecution is a new investigation into the risks and the therapies of therapies – the therapies of the physiological long term of the years. “It is possible to change myopia control,” says Kaymak. Note: “Whoever is involved in the care of the bodywork in the pathology will be responsible for the axial care of the health and care of the patient, was also blessed with the experience of living with them.” fruity An axial view of the image of the auges is a normal normal representation of the changes in the type of festivities.

Provide biometry for myopia control in children

Based on this technology, a software for ophthalmologists has been developed, with the individual message focused on a risk profile that can be used: normal, moderate and strong eye deviations. With the help of the message values ​​I also define the therapy soul and the therapy follow-up is final.

The Rahmen-visser-stiftungsprofessor became Kaymak weiter forschen, although the biometry for the myopia control in children’s cases provides. If you see the KI-basierter model, a prognosis of individual myopia is displayed. Another bi-slang can make a mistake if the myopia in the children’s alternatives on the Makula structure is displayed. This is a non-invasive experience of new experiences. (low tide)