
Lahmacun self-authorized: „Türkische Pizza“ but without Fleisch

Lahmacun is widespread in the cuisine of the Nahen-East and has a credible belief here.

Image by Engin Akyurt on Pixabay

The dish is also labeled “Turkish Pizza”. The Arabic name “Lahm bi Ajin” is “Fleisch mit Teig”, but traditionally the thin Teigfladen is topped with a crispy chopped meat mixture. All the vegetarian versions of Lahmacun are delicious and very large when served in the house.

For the Teig Hefe mix with water and some sugar. Nach and nach Weizenmehl are busy making salt and oil to make a mass cross-linking. If you form a pillow and warm up a little, you can increase the volume of the hat.

In the Zwischenzeit it is not so that the device is used, for the Hackfleisch rule that is used. In the variants of the flakes that are used by the sunlight, Tofu or Soya granulate is not necessary, also not in the form of kidney products or purchased Lentils are possible. The desired raw food with finely sliced ​​​​gemüse such as tomatoes, green peppers and leeks, parsley and rich sausages such as garlic, scallops, paprika and the Turkish mix Pul Biber well vermengen.

The portion size and the amount of meat can be portioned in a certain way. The last time was the verteilen and the edge with the best olive oil. The plates are well preheated and roasted for a few minutes on a pizza stone.

Enjoy your meal with chopped parsley, salt and pepper and you will enjoy it with other tasty treats and sausage rolls. Alternatively, sich die Fladen auch mit Salatblättern, Frühlingszwiebeln, Möhren and frischem Dille or Minze befüllen.

Heike Kreutz,

Hülsenfrüchte als Fleischersatz

No vegan treasures in eating a meal in the kitchen, but perhaps a few healthy dishes that are a bit meat-oriented by lentils or beef. Egal, or as lentil curry, cherry tomatoes, beef soup or as soy schnitzel – Hülsenfrüchte is creative.

Bought or kept – if there is no fall, so he is the first Gebot der Zubereitung von getrockneter Ware. If you remove the legumes during your inhaled lektin, the bladder or the protease inhibitors, hervorrufen.