
Price explosion for Drittliga Stadium! The Senate raised 200 million euros

Price explosion for Drittliga Stadium! The Senate raised 200 million euros

After a medion message, the costs for the Neubau des Berliner Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportparks increased by almost 200 million euros!

Berlin – Who will not have this stadium project? After a median report the costs for the new construction of the Berlin Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportparks are rising – and crates one of the 200 million euros-Schwelle!

Among other things, the iconic green-gelb-roten Scales machen the Berliner Jahn-Sportpark undisturbed.

Among other things, the iconic green-gelb-roten Scales machen the Berliner Jahn-Sportpark undisturbed. © Andreas Gora/dpa

Dieses Stadiontheme bare all over Berlin! Der marode Jahn-Sportpark in the Ortsteil Prenzlauer Berg goes to Monaten, where Jahren is no longer, the Gemüter.

And the new Zahlen became the discussions about the costs Neubau weiter hochkochen lassen: Nach einem Bericht des Tagesspiegels veranschlagt der Berliner Senat inzwischen fast 200 Millionen Euro (exact: 195.4 Mio.) Construction costs.

Originally calculated at 111 million euros. The power is once greater than 70 percent!

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Price madness a stadium, in the best football of the 3. Liga is so good!

It is clear that this is a broader state of affairs in policy and political law. Among others, the Greens are confronted with the Abriss- and Neubau-Ambitionen.

Architects and cultural history initiated the development of the DDR-Denkmals from 1951.

Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark is calculated as a price in Germany

War over the game at the Jahn-Sportpark? On August 18, Viktoria Berlin plays at FC Augsburg in the DFB-Pokalspiel (Ergebnis: 1:4).

War over the game at the Jahn-Sportpark? On August 18, Viktoria Berlin plays at FC Augsburg in the DFB-Pokalspiel (Ergebnis: 1:4). © Andreas Gora/dpa

The current plan follows: Abriss ab dem 7. October. Start des Neubaus in 2025, Termin ungewiss.

Enjoy the financing – if you are in the Senate House, you can fully release the costs for the Abriss and a Teilsumme for the Neubau!

Mindestens zwei Jahre Bauzeit was veranschlagt. The end of the new expansion sport has become new. This costs less than 119 million euros. Macht im Gesamtpaket über 300 Million Euro!

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For comparison: In Dresden, a Friday offer worth 54 million euros is being offered to the Heinz Steyer Stadium.

The fastest possible beef is now 10,400 Plätze, soll bis zu 15,000 Range is refused. The Jahn-Sportpark is a capital of about 20,000 locations.