
Glass phase connection for 300,000 Hausstop: Construction start in Wandsbek | – Nachrichten

Glass phase connection for 300,000 Hausstop: Construction start in Wandsbek | – Nachrichten

Status: 28.08.2024 14:28

In Hamburg he has 68 Prozent der Haushalte einen Glasphaseranschluss. The Internet is on the Internet one of the following articles that you can use: The Unternehmen OXG schließt jetzt weitere 300.000 Haushalte an.

Be the first to make a profit by the Bewohnerinnen and Bewohner from 120 Wohnungen der Genossenschaft Kaifu-Nordland in Hamburg-Wandsbek. A mini-baggerfahrer entered the city center of Mittwoch on the Bürgersteig der Dernauer Straße and severed a fiber optic cable that is one meter long. OXG Geschäftsführer Stefan Rüter said: “It is a technology that is useless for many generations. Not for the young, but for the children and single children and many other generations.”

Wofür die Glas phaserkabel nutzbar signal sollen

Glass fiber offers the possibility of a Gigabit pro-Sekunde and more video conferences, online games in 3D and streaming movies in high quality 4K quality and video conferences and streaming movies in high quality. OXG places Glass fiber to your home free of charge. Man is not crazy.

Soul: Bis Ende des Jahrzehnts überall Glafaser

Hamburg Culture and Media Senator Carsten Brosda (SPD) says about the mega project: “Hamburg has taken a good quote from one of the 68th generations. Our senator is convinced that the end of the years has seen a flat glass phase development – and black in the joint play of many partners who tumble on the field.”

Es herrscht Konkurrenz under the Anbietern. Hamburg hatred for a racial glass phase construction will soon overwhelm half of the telecommunication systems

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Fiber optic cable © fotoalliantie / Eibner-Pressefoto | Fleig / Eibner-Pressefoto

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