
Ingenieurin with separate depository for financial services

Ingenieurin with separate depository for financial services

Ingenieurin with separate depository for financial services

Daniela Sußmann is one of the founders of schlechtesten Investments.
Dr. Sußmann GmbH / Collage: Business Insider

  • Daniela Sußmann, PhD candidate of Engineering, has been active in trade for 20 years and has a certain amount of depositary assets.
  • Im Gespräch erzählt Sußmann von ihren zwei größten Finanz-Fehlern, it is likely that it is the case that it is sollen.
  • Once you start making money, you can get the right mindset and know-how and not have to spend money on welding anymore.

Daniela Sußmann has been active at the stock exchange for 20 years. The Leidenschaft für die Börse is a young woman. At 18. The Burtstag has been to New York and Wall Street at the age of 44. “I want to see what it’s like,” I said with Business Insider.

As an engineer, Lange Sußmann received a classic Academy Award. “Trotz my inheritance of careers, in my unterchiedliche Management positions innen hatte, will be with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, have my assets in the company,” he said.

Mittlerweile is a Sußmann self-employed and works as a financial coach. I think the engineer did not do this. “I can have more fun, I just want to get to know the subject of money.”

If you think you are a wealth first, one of the stocks you need. There is a man who gets the power and power.

Your first investments were two single-acting companies. “I started with a deposit of 250 euros in Deutsche Post and 250 euros in Telekom,” he said. This separation between the dams is a book with a dividend strategy. “In the book a mathematical formula is found, which makes the best choice for the best investments – was not so good possible,” said Sußmann. A book and the form can no longer exist in the 44th century.

Sußmanns größte Fehler an der Börse

When the German Telekom – the number that will probably be added to a race antenna Absturz for Unmuts-sorgte – the first investments of Sußmanns will be carried out, the war will no longer be schlechtste.

“I bought RWE and Eon – then came Fukushima, and it was pretty miserable,” she remembers. It’s not like your mothers are managed and don’t want to come out of themselves anymore. “Mittlerweile has considered the operation of energy and atomic energy as an energy source, but the damage is going downhill fast.”

Was geschah: In March 2011, there was a nuclear catastrophe in the Japanese city of Fukushima, while massive mixing and radioactive material were released. Dabei wurden Luft, Böden, Wasser und Nahrungsmittel in der Umgebung kontaminiert.

A catastrophe, the damage to the market in panic stiffened. The energy supply agreement of RWE was announced in April 2008 without 96 Euro. The nuclear catastrophe began in 2008 with an attack on the Sinkflugs, was in 2011 a year’s demand of 46 percent of the last expenditure.

Now that the 2015 deal has no longer cost a single euro, the price could be as high as if there was a hole in it and be worth around 32.18 euros.

RWE action card.

RWE action card.

It is a fact that it is the energy challenge that Eon has taken place. Extinguished during the revelation in Fukushima in 2011 was a surprise, which did not take place in the following years. Cost the 2008 campaign not even 42 euros, but in 2016 it was only around six euros. Mittlerweile hat is a price that is sold and is for 12.78 euros.

Action card Eon.

Action card Eon.

I think the promo engineer thinks the Crashs are probably one of these guys: “But the question is always, who would ever want the tall guy? Over a month and a year I could do better with the money.”

Welches Ziel Sußmann mit dem Investieren next

Enable the Sußmann depots and a secured depository asset. (Business Insider says Einblick.) “I have more depots, which is a disinterested offering of investments and strategic investments and a soul-oriented trend,” he says.

You will see that you have to undergo the alternative and financial repayment. “I have also realized a profit”, she says. Nvidia has done its job with a higher price, where he can make a trip with his next trip. “That is but the conclusion.”

There are sußmanns-tips, there is a power-aufzubauen

What tips do you want others to start using? “I have been working for a maximum of 20 years turn on“, she says. That right mindset It is important to note: “These factors are important for my long time to come,” you will see. It is a meaning after all, that is right Building know-how“In the flow of information, with the confrontation, it is separated,” says that.

You may be notified of the following messages don’t let it be criticized – denn Fehler heard dazu. Ihr Kredo ist: ever continue editing and clean start with little money. “Think about the game, if you first have an ability, one that you can get. Aber man gets equity and power.”

Disclaimer: Actions, real estate and other investments are fundamentally associated with risk. A total enjoyment of these capital investments cannot be ruled out. The published articles, data and forecasts are without any doubt suitable for purchase or sale of paper or paper. It is not possible to solve a problem.