
Everfuel action remains unchanged: action during the next NEL tour after additional maintenance | 28.08.24

Everfuel action remains unchanged: action during the next NEL tour after additional maintenance | 28.08.24

The Everfuel Action has a Mittwoch and the EURONEXT in Oslo, after which an Übernahmeangebot for the current NEL-Tochter has been completed. Großaktionäre und der Vorstand unterstützen das Angebot.

• Faro BidCo will acquire Everfuel
• Bewertet ehemalige NEL-Tochter with NOK 1.12 Billion
• Großaktionäre nehmen Angebot an

Through the water company of Everfuel I go to the press conference, that is a transaction agreement with Faro BidCo ApS closed. Faro BidCo, which is an independent investment company of an infrastructure investment fund, sold or discussed by Swiss Life AM, became a “voluntary umbrella organization Recruitment all assigned and affiliated assets” of Everfuel unterbreiten and a day of 13 NOK per asset. In total, the one-time NEL-Tournament was valued at 1.12 billion NOK – the proceeds amounted to around 95.6 million euros.

The content of 13 NOK pro Action is 53 Prozent über dem letzten Schlusskurs der Everfuel-Aktie of 8.50 NOK and beef 47.5 Prozent über the volumetric weight food Durchschnittskurs der vergangenen 30 Tage. It is becoming increasingly popular to use the paper of the housing market: the Everfuel-Action is listed at EURONEXT Growth in Oslo-zeitweise unverändert for 12.66 NOK.

Großaktionäre von Everfuel stimulated the Übernahmeangebot zu

Everfuel has developed its own green scrubber fabric for zero-emission industry and mobility in Europe and offers “wet-bewerbsfähige, allumfassende washer-dust waste management and fuel solutions”. The customer was born in 2020 from the Norwegian waste gas supply NEL, which is the most important part of ever fuel production. In December 2023, NEL acquired all übrigen Everfuel-Aktien and the Japanese Unternehmen HyVC ApS, das von Itochu and Osaka Gas control wird.

HyVC ApS, together with EF Holding, is affiliated with the Mehrheitsbesitz of Everfuel CEO Jacob Krogsgaard, so that the Clean H2 Infra Fund can carry out Everfuel’s three major investments. They stop the three big plays with a pressure of 75.05. Please take care of all the actions and make sure that your health is protected from the external signals. If you think that all representatives of the Verwaltungsrats and the Geschäftsleitung of Everfuel, the Aktien am Unternehmen besitzen, that verpflichtet, the Angebot anzunehmen, heißt es more.

Everfuel-Vorstand is in the Übernahmeangebot “exciting Opportunity”

The Everfuel monarchy has given an impetus to the efforts that Anna of the Angebots makes in the workplace. “If the Angebot gründlich is prüft and is the Ansicht, the stipulation of the Angebots is the best interest of Everfuel and finding action and a Gleichbehandlung aller Aktion is one of the wirtschaftlicher gewährleisten. Daher the work of the Streubesitzaktionären of Everfuel, that Angebot anzunehmen” , with Søren Eriksen, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Everfuel, in der Pressemitteilung zitiert.

“The Angebot offers Everfuel an exciting opportunity, its Geschäft weiterzuentwickeln and seinen Wachstumskurs in a private environment fortzusetzen. Insofar as our friends are with us, that is the new own brand consortium under the best conditions required, new Finanzierungen for the Betrieb of Everfuel and the Entwicklung of the besthenden and zukünftigen Project von Everfuel bereitzustellen. In the coming phase, the stabilization and long-term financing will make a greater effort for Everfuel,” Eriksen continues.

Nur small impulse for NEL ASA-Action and other Wasserstofftitle

I lie about other detergent titles and the EURONEXT is slightly in Plus. So can from the Anti-slip of NEL ASA, the former Everfuel Mother, said a value of 0.79 percent on 5.392 NOK. For paper from detergent tank set specialists Cavendish Hydrogen, the first of June from NEL was closed, is a time period of 2.6 percent on 13.994 NOK.

The paper that benefits from the individual offer, if it is called “DER AKTIONÄR”, is that the infrastructure fund is an interesting Wasserstoff-Assets-interesting and its attractive attractiveness.

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