
Zur Haartransplantation in Türkei: Diese Erfahrungen haben Heilbronner gemacht

Zur Haartransplantation in Türkei: Diese Erfahrungen haben Heilbronner gemacht

Turkey is the soul of many medical tourists. For all hair transplants for men, the German invoices are in Germany.

Turkey is the soul of many medical tourists. For all hair transplants for men, the German invoices are in Germany. Photo: Photos: dpa, Montage: HSt

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Hair loss, secret treatment and thinner were her plagues fell men schon in ihren frühen Zwanziger. A hair transplant can be abolished. If you spend a year the trend, you can make a medical insert from optical grounds in Ausland to weld.

For a hair transplant trip it was often hit in Turkey. Zwei Manner from the Heilbronn region has performed an operational operation during the welding. They speak anonymously with an editorial work in their operation – and that is worth it.

Journey for Hair Transplantation: So enjoy the treatment in the Türkei ab

“I think it’s been 20 months since I’ve been on the Internet a little bit,” said one of the 31-year-old Mann. During the Recommendation of Bekannten, there was a hair transplant clinic in the Turkish brand name. “I was told that it was made qualitatively better and above all more cost-effective,” he says.

At least in point Costs are right. In Germany a hair transplant costs an investigation of an internet page for 8000 euros, in Turkey for 3000 euros. The price is calculated most for an inserted hair root (graft).

“Mir wurde innerhalb kürzester Zeit a termin aangeboten and ich mustste mich nur um den Flug kümmern,” said the Medizintourist. Der Aufenthalt in een Hotel war bei dem Arrangement dabei. A new stunden during the operation, erzählt there.

“I am a means and war against time in the Dämmerschlaf. I had no pain.” Two teams are working on Kopf. The hair was taken from the back of the head and placed on the hair arms. It is a good description of the methods used: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Hair transplantation in Türkei: Diese Methoden gibt es

In the FUT method there is a high aspiration with hair follicles of the hintkop. This entnahmestelle would put an end to the vernäht, was a small Narbe führt. The main aspirations are then a microscope in a hair follicle unit (grafts) aufgedeelt. The Empfängerbereich der Kopfhaut became a small unit, while the Grafts were eiingetzt.

Turkey is the soul of many medical tourists. For all hair transplants for men, the German invoices are in Germany.

Turkey is the soul of many medical tourists. For all hair transplants for men, the German invoices are in Germany. Photo: Photos: dpa, Montage: HSt

In the FUE method, hair follicles are used with a special micro instrument on the background head. This method shows a linear narbe, if these are small point narbes, it may be that it is sollen. The grafts Follicle were inserted in small sections in the receptacle area of ​​the head. The way in which the method is used depends on the hair condition and the degree of hair loss, which can be a lot of gründe.

Negative experiences with hair transplantation: Such healing springs in Turkey

The story and the image that Kruste must have of the patient from the region after the OP with a special lotion treatment. “With a clear video you will find a reliable hotline where everything is done. A super service,” I said in Nachhinein. Dennoch isn’t even fried. After a year of dying, but lost, weeder and poet. “There is a change in performance, both of which do not function,” he says. “That’s what makes my head look better.”

After the treatment with the Klinik I can use a number of boats, which are in the Turkish voyage – which are half the price. There is still no question that it is bad that others exclude their patients. However, the 31-year-olds were all called to the move, the worry about their hair. “Do the same and do not overdo it”, they think. The longer you are, the less “the chances of success are”.

Medical advice for hair transplantation: Warnung von deutschen Ärzten

German doctors and the European Consumer Center warn against solving medical travel. Language barriers, unserial providers and possibly unsatisfactory standards cannot be viewed, he is from that page. Many of these treatments or treatments after a hair transplant in Turkey are often painful. A single trip is as good as weighed, is the rat.

This is based on Helge Jens, Facharzt für Plastic und Aesthetic Surgery in Aachen, also President of the German Society for Aesthetic-Plastic Surgery (DGÄPC). I have an interview with the reference magazine „Spiegel“ reported that a patient has given a patient, that „im Ausland is considered and then with komplikationen deutsche Praxen aufsuchen“.

The surgeon said: “We can work and reconcile a natural way, which is very good for correcting. That is but difficult.” Jens worked out another clinic for the consultation and operation. For consultations and diagnosis by video recording or with photos in the field, which make the faulty spots larger. For an optimal effect, a personal erberderlicht is certain.

Hair transplantation in the Türkei: Ärzte machen Eingriffe häufig

Den Eindruck, Turkish Clinics often has more expertise than German in Sachen Hair Transplantation, Helge Jens for Richig. “I am very good at my work, and I am particularly proud of it.” Deshalb was able to complete the divorce before a Medizinreise in Turkish time. Trotzdem becomes a good and hereditary source in Germany, which jedoch nicht diese “Eingriffe in Masse und Frequenz durchführen”, so Jens.

Hair Transplant: Who Can Find a Man with Qualification?

If patients have any doubts about the care or hospitals in a country, the DGPC has compiled a checklist for operations in Australia. This is available on the Gesellschaft’s website.

“Patients ask their housemates to provide information,” says DGÄP chairman Helge Jens. For all punks, quality and legitimate grounds they can be geklärt. If you go to the European Consumer Center Germany on the Internet, there may be service information on a certain topic.

A 25-year-old patient from the Nähe von Heilbronn would be damaged by a hair transplant in the Türkei nicht, but there is no Redaktion in the Rückblick. “I felt very confident that I was surprised.”

Prepared two are more paintings for a hair transplant in Turkish history – both men or women. “The hair fell out again after a few months”, it reports. A second operation that can remedy the consequences of the operation is that it will be performed. A prize for the first Eingriff is the result of the clinic “who acts on the base”.

Frustration after hair transplant: Dare since manche Patients unzufrieden

If the FUT or FUE method no longer works, you now see the PRP method in practice. The PRP method (platelet-rich plasma) now has its own blood plasma, a hair wax that has been developed. The plasma screen in the head of the device is opened and the healing is completed when the transplant is completed, it is an internet site of the internet. This method is cost-effective when it comes to the young Mann. “If you make the promise, its function is full-fledged.”

A journey in the Turkish rät is a more memorable sight ab. The search, rightful departures, has brought nothing. His money is not seen again.