
Krankenhaus Eichhof: enjoys a high level of attractiveness as well as working life

Krankenhaus Eichhof: enjoys a high level of attractiveness as well as working life

29.08.24 – Gleich zwei Auszeichnungen is the Krankenhaus Eichhof in der Studie of the FAZ-Institutes in the category “Gemeinützige Krankenhäuser”: In the section “Deutschlands behrteste Arbeitgeber 2024” and “Deutschlands Ausbildungs-Champions 2024” would be the Flaggschiff der Eichhof-Stift ung Lauterbach ausgezeichnet.

Fachkräftemangel und unbesetzte Ausbildungsplätze treiben de Verantwortlichen in Deutschlands Unternehmen die Sorgenfalten auf die Stirn. Particularly in the Health Act, there must be a new way, a qualified Mitarbeiter and Mitarbeiterinnen of gewonen and young people of a Ausbildung in der Pflege zu überzeugen.

“Heutzutage is wichtig, not nur financial attractiveness of machen, under the potentiating possibilities: with the beginning of the maßnahmen, wie flexible Arbeitszeiten, Entwicklungs- and Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, innovative Ausbildungskonzepten as well as Family Friendship and Zusatzleistungen zu punkten”, reads Mathias Rauwolf and fights a: “We have a solid foundation, so our home is in the same category as the FAZ-Institut so that we can use it. It is a matter of time that we are able to use it.”

Mr. Andrea Rubenbauer of the Coordinator School and Education at Krankenhaus Eichhof said: “Special in the Nachwuchsgewinnung must be a right ins Zeug legen, a young person for an education in health care to be enthusiastic”. Community with Area Leader Personal Dr. Ann Hennighausen has had the Verhörtwortlichen in the Krankenhaus Eichhof in the last years of his new job, there are now more years that take years before institutions by institutions and in health care are shifted, with focus and FAZ.

Erhebung Mittels Social Listening und Fragebogen

The study “Germany’s best-tested workers 2024” was analyzed in the period from July 1, 2022 to July 30, 2024 and dates from more than 13,000 social listening sessions and an online recording. Unfavorable 24.6 Mio. No data can be collected on this identification of the reputation and its reputation. Parallel to the online structure of the online fragments, the relevant themes, such as work place security, work times, quality structure, career requirements or communication, differ.

The data for the marking messages are as follows: They are identical to the text with relevant texts such as these are loaded and error-free on the Internet. The results of these combined data are analyzed and the results of the artistic intelligence fragmented and analysed, which contribute to the development of their internal relationships and their shared branches normiert. It’s about the professional performance with 50 products and the reputation factors of others with their weight. The best part of the picture with 100 points in the benchmark of the industry, the other wettbewerbers were and their punktwerts platziert. An Auszeichnung has started to carry out the work in the Gesamtwertung in the industry.

“German Ausbildungschampion 2024”

I am Bereich “Deutschlands Ausbildungschampions 2024” where the gleiche Erhebung-vorgenommen takes place. Grundlage were einseits Auswertungen und Beobachtungen von Plattformen, sich Youtube, Facebook, Twitter und Instagram met Bewertungsportale, Blogs und Forens. In parallel, fragments are bent and the parts are changed, through which the fun themes “Qualification, Weiterbildung, Ausbildungserfolg, Übernahme and Vergütung” are developed. You can rely on Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, Zufriedenheit der Auszubildenden, Berufsalltag, Betriebsklima und Work-Life-Balance een wesentliche Rolle.

“The events of the years since the shooting and as education commission sparrows with today’s demand still a ship-drauflegen, a young person for an education in the health care of begistern”, says Andrea Rubenbauer, who with the new structure, a strong team and Praxisanleiter:innen, supplementary boats, including the most modern SkillsLab and the digital Ausbau Hilfsmittel the education in Lauterbacher Krankenhaus is still attractively shaped. The individual commitment of the student girls and students – on a non-practical day – through which the house has long built up a renewing reputation.

The online publication of the FAZ institutes can be found on the Internet at and (pm) +++