
Zwischen Großstadt und Dorfidylle: Wo wollen wir lived?

Zwischen Großstadt und Dorfidylle: Wo wollen wir lived?

Grossstädte is dull, dreckig and chaotic. We live here, we live anonymously, and we are here to stay. One of the next films is Eck. Auf dem Dorf is a turbulent and idyllic place. If you know you want to, but we will definitely do it, it is most useful in the works council. Afterwards you will visit the supermarket or the cinema with your car.

If someone no longer has the quality of the Wahl, it may be that he is divorced, but the big city of the Lebensmittelpunkt has more or more landed on the land, it would be so that he could frontier with a smile.

The city as a moloch and the village as an idyllic setting for Feldern – the image these greifen got was Ricarda Pätzold of the Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik (Difu). You can explore the city and say: “Man can find anything.”

The big city is inzwischen Heimat von Wildbienen, Füchsen and Co. and has a long lifespan in its nature. One of the countries that a man has found is one of the most idyllic Bauernhöfe grote wirtschaftende landwirtschaftsbetriebe. “These Gebebenheiten müssen immer immer local in turneilt zijn und damit sehr unterschiedlich“, explains Pätzold. A big city is not as beautiful as Mittel- and Kleinstädte.

Was it really necessary for me to do that?

If it is good, that is not the case, while the hand lies. “The bigger a city is, the more offers you have. The truth, an operational house, is higher in the Großstadt than in the Kleinstadt. See it as a Bereich Bildung out”, says Pätzold. Was for all young people in the big city, they saw the Aussichten on many people, viel Austausch, viel Fremdheit, couples with guten-cultuur and sociale Angeboten.

Another idea is that people delve into the biographical circulation phases: when the family is a relative, a trennung of a partner or the separation of an alternative. Je nach Lebensphase employee Ricarda Pätzold, die own business in the Blick zu nehmen. Themes wie van de Arbeitsweg or de gute Erreichbarkeit an appropriate Schule can play a role, Fragen nach der Anbindung und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel or de ärztliche Versorgung.

Vor een Entscheidung zur Probe Wohnen

The personal living situation depends on the life situation and is separated from the personal living environment of a person. “Flexibility and independence are needed, which can be matched quite possibly with a city apartment as with a house and garden”, said the housing psychologist Inka Aniol.

Um herauszudenden, ob man uninen Umzug werklich car sollte – and when yes, wohin -, can man auf a classroom setzen: the Pro-und-Kontra-List. “I’ll be happy to send you a message and create a personal deal breaker,” says Aniol. “Welcher ist der Dreh- und Angelpunkt meiner Entscheidung? There is sollte eine sehr hohe weightung haben.”

If you want, think of all the new information about the new potential of Wohnort that appeals to Busfahrplan, about Kitas, Schulen, Sportmöglichkeiten or Vereine that have his kennislerngespraächen with the possible Nachbarn. If you pay attention a first time, it was worth eating.

It is not that people’s hearts are on the personal Bauchgefühl-nicht-zu-kurz-kommen. “It is often a good Ratgeber. I would like you to empfehlen, sich Raum en Zeit zu nehmen, one of the Bauchgefühl zu hören”, says Aniol. You can appeal to the fact that you can do an art research on your machine. “There are two things that are a problem. Damit has man the possibility, eine Art Everyday an dem Ort zu erleben.”

Space plays a role

A fag can all part a man. After all, we are happy with our shared family, so we are right and happy with all our families. The longer it lasts, if there is another Wohnform-angstrebt, and in a Mehrgenerationenhaus. “Wohnorte en -formen became öfter idealisiert. Wohnformen wie beisplayelsweise Moregenerationenhäuser since they are not living together,” so Aniol. Here it comes down to one’s own person.

Generate a knackpuntt: make sure that everything is confused with the sin of the wort. For everything in Ballungsgebieten ein Thema. Do you find here a flat or a house, in the countryside of the family on the platz for your life? „Gerade, if we want to buy a flat with the sale, it is a whole job, that is a person in his own Raum-hoed, then it may be that he can do something nice. Even if there is no own Zimmer, it can be a schreibtisch signal, in the organization the organization can no longer purify,“ says Wohnpsychologin Aniol.

In everything for and wider: Irgendwann sollte the Entscheidungsfindung ein end nehmen. Be that as it may, one of the things you are looking for, it is then one of the things you should do: it is a new kind of acquisition. This is the best – in Großstadt, Kleinstadt or in the country -, contact your knüpfen.

“It is so that the village or the city lives in the city and knows the community,” says Aniol. “Membership meetings or sports clubs offer good opportunities to come into conversation with the people in front of the place. If the Volkshochschulen are super, a person can be an uninteresting human trifft.” It is a problem that a man can find a divorce for a woman.