
Das Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See the last 20 years.

Das Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See the last 20 years.

Potsdam. All roads, so heißt es, führen nach Rom. In Potsdam you will find some statistics: All flights to Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See. The Four Star House protects the Lizenz zum Landen. And so it may be that one of the Tages is a Scheich of the United Arab Emirates in a helicopter einschwebte. The hotel guest would have to work well in Germany.

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Most guests enjoy conventional ways for their travels: car, bus or Straßenbahn. There is an unusual possibility that you will find a signpost for the White Fleet directly in the hotel.

This year a brainwunsch von Geschäftsführerin Jutta Braun has gone into Erfüllung: “The direct Bahnanbindung an den BER.” The Bahnhof Pirschheide is now a few minutes away and is a man in Handumdrehen in 22 Minuten in Schönefeld.

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We were allowed to travel to Copenhagen without any other options. Der Radfernweg gen Norden über Berlin und Rostock führt directly at Hotel vorbei; in der Gegenrichtung is after Werder/Havel and beyond.

Tarifverhandlungen am Templiner See in Potsdam

Experienced cyclists and water hikers who descend from the Congress Hotel can then start their glider training at Sonnenliegen and – with a good feeling in hand – contemplate the blue waves of the Templiner Ziet.

After all: “Wellness, a sauna in the backyard, a day spa, and the pleasure of the Potsdamerinnen and Potsdamern can be enjoyed,” Jutta Braun will be able to enjoy the experience of the “Wohlfühlbereich” (Wohlfühlbereich) auf, während ihr Blick of one of the hotel lounges you will find on the Uferbereich in Liège, Zonneschirmen and der Außenbar geht.

Take a look at the Templiner See in the Kongresshotel Potsdam.

Take a look at the Templiner See in the Kongresshotel Potsdam.

Unten steht eine Gästen von Gästen, die virge nie in het zijn: “Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer een Tagung, die gerade eine Pause machen”, erklärt de Geschäftsführerin. The “Kongresshotel” is nothing special. Information and connections throughout Germany are available here for tags, seminars or workshops. If you charge rates for home services, you arrange this in the regional middle class.

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130,000 guest nights in the 700 Betten House, with another 40 Tagungsräume, a conference room with 500 places and two restaurants and bars nearby.

“Not nur walten, without figures”

If the hotel lasts 20 years, it can tell a whole story. You can find a chair here – the Academy of East German Savings Banks Associations. Dementia that now causes a war in the atmosphere is a heavy Schick experience. No Fernsehgeräte goes into Zimmern. “It is a fact that we learn how to concentrate”, Jutta Braun states, who was also involved in real estate.

If you spend more time on nocturnal Sparkassen-gliederns for the night, make sure that the East German Sparkassenverband in the Hotelgeschäft and the cleanliness of the Turen comes before everything. While the study of Betriebswirtin Braun hatte Lust auf Neuland: „I never want to be lost, but then shaped.“ Die Räume is a makeover; in general, a vision of the future for the house is developed.

Roboter Bella is part of the programs in Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See.

Roboter Bella is part of the programs in Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See.

If you want to find the debts of the East German Sparkassenverbanden here, the Mittlerweile is the hotel a solid ground in the Potsdamer Gesellschaft: if you make contact with the intestines with the sportsman in the Luftschiffhafen, your guest is located in the hotel. So manche siege – and von Turbine Potsdam – is a great chance here.

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The wellness area in Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See.

The wellness area in Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See.

Held dance gatherings with a big guest show can last a few years during the Brandenburg Ball. In October, a ball of all four Potsdam dance schools will occasionally take place.

Statt nach Potsdam fuhr die Band nach Templin

Aber aller Anfang is a refusal of war. „We would like to welcome you to a band in Berlin. Wir warteten and warteten – umsonst. Irgendwann bekamen met een Anruf von der Band. Unser Name Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See – I think things are not going well and that it is happening after Templin.” Jutta Braun laughs in his rezliches Lachen.


At Brandenburg-Ball it is a great guest experience. Here Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD, l.) during Anstoßen with singer Frank Zander during Ball im Jahr 2019 in Potsdamer Kongresshotel.

The request of the Baltic Sea is the Geschäftsführerin one, the a clear Line fährt. Langes Drumherumreden is in your Sache niece. It is really true that this Soul-centered theit is the warmth and the Zugewandtheit. During your stay at the hotel – the past and present children’s play area in the foyer – you will always be welcomed by the guest who has stayed here before the hotel chef. All our friends are happy about the handling, the understanding of the handling of hands and their care.

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This internally improves the climate. A “lucky family” could lead to a 230-member Belegschaft schwierig signal. Aber Jutta Braun considers himself on the Wohlergehen der Angestellten. For Azubis, who have a long travel route from Zuhause, living quarters in the surrounding area were angemietet. And your Mitarbeiterin and jeder Mitarbeiter can spend a few hours in hotel accommodation – a Begleitperson included.

The team of Kongresshotel Potsdam has settled at the Brandenburg-Bällen on the Wohl der Gäste.

The team of Kongresshotel Potsdam has settled at the Brandenburg-Bällen on the Wohl der Gäste.

An advantage, that Jutta Braun herself is not in the Anspruch-mode. So the hotel overnight stay, which begins after the long Brandenburg Ball, looks at his and his man with his own bag. “Ich bin die Geschäftsführerin des Hotel – nicht die Eigentümerin.” Principle trust is yours important. Gratification as the preservation of the history of the house. Many guests should not be so bewildered, when they move to brands in Boden – almost a Meilenstein German transport history. Graf Zeppelin lies here in the sky of the Luftschiffe.

Wird das Regattahaus a Potsdamer High Time Location?

It is not that the work of the workshops and the Näherei erhalten and integrates as historical building parts in its new, new integrity. If we find out, the mancherorts will build out the specially formed roof constructions, which are ultimately carried out as trestle. But also the new constructions of the congress hotels are located in the other Utzung des Geländes. The construction is a long-zigzag-form with airships. And the names of the futuristic buildings – “Graf Zeppelin”, “Viktoria Luise” and “Nordstern” – are one of the mighty air bodies.

View of the Regattahaus in the Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See.

View of the Regattahaus in the Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See.

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Auf dem Areal is another Regattahaus. As Jutta Braun said, when he was torn down after his wedding for the 20th anniversary of the hotel: “Dass Regattahaus is being renovated and eventually used as a hochzeitslocation.”

Prominent guests at the Jubiläumsparty am Templiner See

Finally, we will celebrate the big “Geburtstagsparty” in front of the Kongresshotel. Am Donnerstagabend also welcome guests in Germany during a holiday at the Templiner See.

Ex-Eiskunstlaufstar and Unternehmerin Katarina Witt works, among others, at the Wissenschaftsministerin Manja Schüle (SPD), Wirtschaftsminister Jörg Steinbach (CDU) as chairman of the Geschäftsführende President of the East German Sparkassenverbandes, Ludger Weskamp and Potsdams OB Mike Schubert (SPD), who has left a Reason. Once the band finds the correct address for the address found. The Mittlerweile has the Kongresshotel auch für Nicht-Potsdamer as a festive Größe establishment.