
Mild infection reicht – Coronavirus affects Schlaflosigkeit

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Left: Ein Mann liegt mit Taschentüchern, Teetasse, Nasenspray und Tabletten im Bett. Right: A woman lies in the game and can't even schlafen.
De Augen wollen einfach nicht zufallen: Schlaflosigkeit gehört zu den häufigen Corona-Symptomen. © Philip Dulian/dpa/imago/Montage

Sleeplessness is a common consequence of a corona infection. A new study is not even one of the most surprising results.

Hanoi – No Corona infection shows who the other one is. De Krankheitsverläufe reichen von kaum wahrnehmbar bis tödlich. An attack with the incorrect Sars-CoV-2 or its various variants can cause inappropriate symptoms if they occur. This is Schlaflosigkeit.

Study in Corona: Schlaflosigkeit schon bei lighter Verläufen möglich

A team of researchers from Asia has not had refinancing in one of the cases, but there are mild corona infections with problems in reducing the disease. The research is taking place on the website Limits in public health open to light, who can benefit from health and wellness.

Of the 1056 unhealthy corona patients, who were never discussed in the hospital, must be treated and within six months after the infection, 76.1 percent complained of sleep deprivation. In 22.8 percent of the parts, severe sleep deprivation is said to have occurred.

During the investigation of June and September 2022, only persons are involved in the development of the corona infection, but no disease or psychiatric diagnosis can be made. It deals with a man and a woman from Vietnam, who were all thoughts 18 years old. Originally, 34,850 Persons angeschrieben be registered.

Schlaflosigkeit after Corona Infection: Depression and Anxiety since offending Risk Factors

A Triad of the Probanden is one of the most common problems, the Sleep war worse and the Sleep duration short. 52.9 Percent of the subjects were nights longer watch. Others affected by the crisis were demnach teilnehmer, who suffer from depression or anxiety disorders. If we continue with risk activities, the best chronic calculations and a higher image quality can be performed.

So those Teilnehmer with high schullabschluss a 1.85-fach höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit for Schlaflosigkeit auf as those with more formal, also schulischer Bildung. Unter denjenigen mit chronic Erkrankungen war die Gefahr 2.96 Mal greater than for Personen ohne diese Erkrankungen. For safety in general, the Wahrscheinlichkeit is significantly higher than for the Arbeitnehmer aus others Berufen, for Students and Persons who are an Arbeit that have no significant significance.

If the problems and depressions or anxiety disorders can no longer remain unanswered, it is a matter of Querschnittsstudie, which Huong Thi Xuan Hoang notes. There is a head of the Forschergruppe in Vietnam, China and Singapore and it is possible to experiment during the Auswahl-bands and in the experiences. It is a matter of time – because in the pandemic – the efficient and practical strategy that people offer online.

Video: Preventing organ damage after Corona infection

Corona and Schlaflosigkeit: Nach Infektion considers Menschen offenbar more about health

The first years of Leiden disease People to the study industry that the war in the corona patients made bigger, who were discussed in the clinic, could teach science with the first weeks of their lives or the disease through the infection. . It is worth going into that time span of the risks for chronic schmerzen, chronic erkrankungen and psychiatric disorders.

Left: A woman lies in the bet and takes a drink. Right: A woman is happy with her life.
A mild corona infection is likely, a problem with Leiden disease. A study from Asia has investigated the phenomenon. © imago/Montage

If you have a statement of the basic requirement only rarely reported, the Dunkelziffer in the general population is the next omnipresent large. The research team points out that there is a scaffolded personal health care by serious corona patients in the background of the disease.

Corona Infectious Disease of Sleeplessness: Expert Gives Tips and Expects a Therapy

“Stopping is no longer normal if you are suffering from a corona infection,” Hoang warned.

Der an der Phenikaa-Universität in Hanoi is a scientist kind for a few tips: ‘Falls that Schlaflosigkeit not so high, can help with a few a few maßnahmen: for the Schlafengehen take a warm Dusche, that’s Handy thoughts a Stunde for them Take a break, 30 Minutes pro Tag Sport treiben, after 16 hours you can enjoy some coffee.”

Be prepared to cope with real problems and be able to cope with stress relief. Bring up the small besserung, so that a Schlaftherapist can be treated, by Hoang.

Another research group that deals with the protection of immunity against the new Corona variants. If a new infection occurs, it can happen that men and women meet each other. (mg)