
Triathlete Norbert Zech makes his debut in Frankfurt

Triathlete Norbert Zech makes his debut in Frankfurt

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Triathlete Norbert Zech makes his debut in Frankfurt
The Freude-War was justified: Debutant Norbert Zech, here in Ziel with the Finisher’s Medal, at Ironman in Frankfurt after 11:00:41 hours in Ziel a. © Private

At Ironman in Frankfurt/Main the EM-Title would have been forgiven. With a war as debutant Norbert Zech from Eberfing, who in his Soul is Special erlebte.

Frankfurt – At the major Ironman competitions with a large part of the fight in a strict protocol. Wer aus der Umrandung herausgeht, dare nicht mehr dort hinein. Norbert Zech bought aber yet irgendwie a Rückkehr.

And this war does not let the crown come out in the days either. When Eberfinger saw the first Ironman, Freundin Vera Schinner dared to hang up the Finisher medal. “A beautiful experience”, said Zech.

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Schinnerl hat schon more Long Distances absolviert, hat long Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, mustste aber beim Ironman Race in Frankfurt, zugleich die Europameisterschaft, een hartenkampf auch mit dem eigenen Körper absolvieren. On the beach from 12:13:15 Beautifully played by the athlete of the “Erdinger Active Team” Platz eleven in the class “50-54”.

Norbert Zech nach elf Stunden im Ziel

Debutant had a lot of fun with the mice, but also enjoyed the 3.8 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of racing and 42.2 kilometers of skiing. “I am very happy and super happy,” said Zechs Fazit. The point is that it is a time at 11:50 am – war has fallen: After exactly 11:00:14 am over the Eberfinger, it takes 45 years ago, the Zielinie. In the Blessing Class there were 105. Platz von 265 Finish.

Insgesamt war is “as much a class as a great legacy,” says Zech. Sporty active war is schon immer, vornehmlich als Läufer, aber auch – at secret SKC Gut Holz – as a Sportkegler. Before a few years quickly absolve the Entschluss, an Ironman. Die Wahl fiel auf den Wettbewerb in Frankfurt, Zugleich de Europameisterschaft. The race is in itself – it is a matter of walking distance from the track 226 kilometers with a distance of 1100 meters above the speed limit.

Special Begrüßung im Ziel: Norbert Zech dared to bless Friend Vera Schinnerl with the Finisher's Medal.
Special Begrüßung im Ziel: Norbert Zech dared to receive the blessing of Friend Vera Schinnerl, the beautiful long inheritance from the Long Distance hat, the Finisher’s Medal. Both athletes join the “Erdinger Active Team”. © Private

For Zech and Schinnerl came a more orderly foot march. Both are a hotel for a hotel, so the escape, all the way to the starting point at the Langener Waldsee lies. Once you have returned, wait four kilometers further. The walk to the start of the war Zechs Form but not abträglich. In Schwimmen, after searching for the Eberfingers, it is so that it goes so well. Zech counted a train and got out of the Getümmels.

Good drainage in the water

“I hated my Ruhe. I’m super strong. “Even the circumstance, the warming of the high water temperature on the neoprene napkin was necessarily, did not change the concept. In Vorfeld, Freundin am Haarsee has a neoprene a Four-Kilometer-Strecke absoluviert. So be sure: “I am happy to drink.” Nach 1:33:14 Stunden hatte Zech die first Disziplin absolviert.

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The Radfahren started his day, a Jacke-zuziehen, was asked as one of the best Wahl questions. The temperature war is such that the Dauerregens are erträglich. By the Niederschlag ergab sich a ganz spezielle Herausforderung: “Man must be careful, the Strecke war steaddig rutschig.” They will always be happy with your visit – and they are best damit. There are some complications for those 180 kilometers. Finally, with an abschüssiger Strecke, see who for me in a Linkskurve two Athletes sister meetings. “I have never been able to move on,” was the message of the 45-year history of the business as a sales manager in the real estate industry. With a Schnitt of 32 km/h absolutely Zech die Radstrecke; That was “ein bisserl better than expected”. Gerechnet is with a 5:45 time frame, notes were given before 5:31:32 Stunden.

Going down with a good feeling

To conclude a marathon, it is for many triathletes a Grund zum Wehklagen. It is so that it is very good that you are in the washing mode. If they see it differently: “I am free, when I go to the Laufen.” Definitely start with the kilometer in time in 4:45 minutes. “Ich habe mir denken: Ich habe nix zu verlosen.” His kilometer time was about the Fünf-Minuten-Marke, gleichwohl is sweet for the debutants.

Jetzt ab in de Wechselzone: Mit seiner Leistung beim Schwimmen war Norbert Zech v Ironman in Frankfurt vollauf zufrieden.
Jetzt ab in de Wechselzone: Mit seiner Leistung beim Schwimmen war Norbert Zech vollauf zufrieden. © Private

Ganz am Ende provides the reinforcement but also the tribute. Five kilometers before the end “it sucked into the Stecker”, reported Zech. A problem war, it is not the case that Gels more zu nehmen konnte – irgendwann sträubt sich der Körper bei hoher Taxung eben gegen a Nahrungsaufnahme. Das Lauftempo went dadurch zurück. The athlete from the “Erdinger Active Team” achieved a strong performance in the letzten Disziplin. They fell in Zuschauer an der Strecke taten ihr Übriges: “That pushes one another.” Those 3:45:50 Stunden “were das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte”.

Closure in the tributary

As a whole special atmosphere, the atmosphere on the last meters is that of the soul line in the historical “Römer” führten: “The great joy, the sound of your hand ab.” As an Ironman debutant, he dared to wear the obligatory Glocke Läuten in Ziel. “Ein Erlebnis”, so Zach. Enjoy a good time with your friends while staying at the hotel. This route, which is 20 kilometers away, is worth a visit with a taxi.