
SUBSTRAL®: Die richtige Rasenpflege im Herbst

SUBSTRAL®: Die richtige Rasenpflege im Herbst

A sattgrüner, healthy raspberry has always been a seasonal pastime for hobby gardeners – soulful care is the key to success. The path to trauma is not a sprint, but a marathon. If you start with the best herbs, it is wise to separate the meter in the herbs, if it is good, the herbs with additives and the right cut for the calm years of the time and for a powerful revival in the following Frühjahr to stärken.


A marathon is the right goal of a project, which has lasted a longer time interval and that it was planned. If you promote the vegetable in your own garden in the garden, you hang a good part of the pflegemaßnahmen to, which in the food industry or the herbs that are there, still does not exist. The right nutrition of the green Teppichs is one of the central beddeutungen. During cooking, the herbs in the herb mixture are optimally prepared for the winter winter.

SUBSTRAL® Naturen® Herbal Rasendünger* strengthens and regenerates the plant cells, ensures that winter damage is prevented and controls the risk of illness. If you are the green ideal, nor one of the following substances, when you start with your sprouts, you can start. If you benefit from organic-mineral substances in the active seasonal products, with 100% natural inhalants. If the potassium content for more stamina and the time space, in the raspberry areas were still fully utilized. “The organically bound substances were fired and formed by the bottom bakery night and night, so that a natural longevity is created. One of the many organic components that make up one of the soils and the rasenfilz uses is the SUBSTRAL® expert Florian Kittemann.

This is how Grünflächen became winter fit

None of the herbs that are gilded in August and October is nor another factory tower, but the best way to keep the winter in rest. The grass patches are regularly freed from reabfallen Leaf, damned if one of the Leaf blade no Rasenfäulnis-bildet. Regularly, it is also important in autumn to keep an unkraut in the shed and to encourage the growth of the grass blade. Make sure that you have reached the ideal distance between 5 and 6 centimetres. Kahle Stellen can become milder, but the temperature will no longer rise.

Ensure that the Ausbringung of Dünger works as a Rasensamen-company with the Einsatz and Streuwagens. The SUBSTRAL® EvenGreen® Universal Kastenwagen ensures a generous dose and regular display. A full volume of 11 liters, a price-stretching and various Streue settings speak an uncomplicated and comfortable operation.

Verjüngungskur zur Rechten Zeit

If the Zeit-bildet is how Rasenfilz effects the Versorgung der Gräser with Luft and Wasser. The effective way to care for your garden is the best time in the garden and at the end of the garden period in the herb garden. Mild, warm temperatures with low temperatures allow your own best results. Entstandene Lücken weld themselves with the SUBSTRAL® Vertikutiermix rasch wieder schließen. The problem with the rapid growth of Grassorten, Startdünger and Plaster straightens the Wurzelwachstum and an improves the Bodenstruktur, which will improve the Nährstoffaufnahme.

Once they are written in the herbs, they can’t read very well either, but it may be that green teppich-gewissen will come into their own in the winter dormitory and in the spring they will form a solid foundation for a new dream season.

* The Ausgangsstoffe since the EU-Öko-Verordnung idgF for the öcological/organic production geignet.