
City and Gemeindebund will make Raum strong

The country where the goods are sold is managed by the city and community association. (Archive photo) Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

The country where the goods are sold is managed by the city and community association. (Archive photo) Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

The country of origin must come from the Niedersächsische Städte- en Gemeindebunds (NSGB). “Erforderlich is een ganze Reihe von Maßnahmen, um de Gleichwertigkeit der Lebensverhältnisse in the ländlichen Räumen herzustellen”, the Verband continues in a Positions paper, das der Deutschen-Press Agentur vorab vorlag. At a meeting in Oldenburg, the city and community bundles will be discussed another time, such as healthcare, aftercare and the digitalization of the country.

In Flächenland Niedersachsen, a large part of the people from the outlying centers and metropolises, arguing the connection, the own are more than 360 travel-free city and community. «Otherwise if neither Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts kann aber nicht mehr von einem einheitlichen landlichen Raum been spoken, the ausschließlich landwirtschaftlich geprägt gewesen.»

Mangle at Gesundheits- en Pflegeangeboten

The NSGB has been criticized on other issues such as health and nursing care. “Niedersachsen has a dramatic lack of doctors and nurses,” the association is responsible for. General mediation is called upon to obtain financial support from the community for the Krankenhäuser.

The country of tragedy with the installation of wind energy and photovoltaic energy sources that have burdens of the energy transition, is in the position paper further. The regions must be profitable and the planning shoheit be carried out.

Also Internet Expansion Theme

If you see the company, there are more financial matters for the extension construction and a suitable solution for the currently available knowledge of the matter.

Look at the Verband nach eigenen Angaben auch bei der Anpassung an den Klimawandel, at the Verteilung von Geldern, at the Unterstützung von kommunalen Mandatsträgern, at the Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen, at the Förderung des Tourismus, in Nahverkehr and in Bereich der Bildung. The Association has a strong influence on the countries of the European Union.