
Seit fun Jahren – Kultur im Hotel: Reichenauer Veranstaltungsreihe mit Besucherrekord

Seit fun Jahren – Kultur im Hotel: Reichenauer Veranstaltungsreihe mit Besucherrekord

2020, in Zeiten der Pandemie, wurde der Reichenauer Kultursommer ins Leben gerufen. The joy of the year is that the present festival has been celebrated with a great follow-up to the end. And the 2,000 visitors, who have been present for a new scaffolding, have attended the events in Hirschwang. Of the plants 14 types of genres, the lessons of Max Simonische and Jovana Raljic should be sent to the bedside of the organizers.

Zum ersten Mal traten in Parkhotel Hirschwang Peter Filzmaier, Reinhard Nowak, Fredi Jirkal & Pepi Hopf and Michael Schottenberg auf. At the end of August, the Abschlussveranstaltung of the 5. Reichenauer Kultursomers took place in the Parkhotel Hirschwang statt.

The actors Chris Lohner and Erwin Steinhau have the audience in Rahmen a matinee with his program “Schreib. No, schreib nicht!”, a story about the friendship between Marlene Dietrich and Friedrich Torberg. The Veranstalter is set on a higher cultural level with non-integrated e-entrance rates.

“The ticket price (25 Euro) is a good deal, which is recommended a year later, the culture that can be enjoyed is an extraordinary experience”, so said the AK Niederösterreich-Präsident and founder of the “Reichenauer Kultursommers”, Markus Wieser.
Planted for the coming years since the 14th anniversary between 1st and 24th August. So it came to pass that they were betrayed: Publikumsliebling Cornelius Obonya hat signal Kommen bereits zugesagt.