
Suche nach dem Mörder in Villacher Hotels

Suche nach dem Mörder in Villacher Hotels

If the temperature remains at the temperature longer and longer, then the herbal mixture before the Tür is a more herbal mixture. The Day of the Krimifest Karnten from 2 to 13 October will be filled with interesting stories, exciting modern events and the Möglichkeit sich seinen Lieblingstriller von seinem Lieblingsautor signieren zu lassen. The “Tatorte” is another nature hotel “Schönleitn”, the “Karnerhof” and the “Warmbaderhof”.

Der Metzger ermittelt in Naturelhotel „Schönleitn“

Ben Sonntag, dem 6. Oktober, um 18 Uhr lädt der meerfach ausgezeichnete Schriftsteller Thomas Raab zur Lesung aus seinem Kriminalroman “Der Metzger gräbt um” in the Naturelhotel “Schönleitn” in Latschach/Oberaichwald. We may all have passed through Crimea with the restorer Willibald Adrian Metzger.

The Veranstaltung starts with an aperitif on the Dorfplatz, at Schlechtwetter in the inn. Start teaching with a 4-course menu. Price: 65 Euro per person. Reservations are possible under (04242) 399 93. Die Plätze has started.

Thomas Raab is located in the Naturelhotel

Thomas Raab is located in the Naturelhotel “Schönleitn” of his active book “Der Metzger gräbt um”

© Kk/bernhard Aichner

In Hotel “Karnerhof” a Stalker is spoken to

On Sunday, October 6, the bestselling author Arno Strobel is from his active book “Stalker – Er zal leven”. Strobel is intended for an exciting psychothriller, which is deep in the thin shop of the human sick blicken. Seine Bücher often bases itself on all beobachtungen, which no longer lose and which have been examined by experts. The day starts at 10:00 with an aperitif, followed by the lesson at 10:30. I am a guest of a brunch with a view of the Faaker See. Price: 64 Euro per person (excluding Tischgetränke). Reservations can be made under (04254) 21 88 möglich.

Arno Strobel is in Hotel ‚Karnerhof' at Gast and is located in the Roman “Stalker - Er will dein Leben”

Arno Strobel is in Hotel ‚Karnerhof’ at Gast and is located in the Roman “Stalker – Er will dein Leben”

© KK/Gaby Gerster

Double car racing power in “Warmbaderhof”

On Mittwoch, on the 9th of October, there is no time to drive, the “Warmbaderhof” is his new work and long lessons. Eva Völler presents the band „Alte Taten, new Zorn“ with the Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns and Roland Zingerle during the eighth autumn of Romanfigur Heinz Sablatnig „Das geerbte Weingut“. Die Deutsche und der Klagenfurter Loaded from 18 hours for Krimilesung with Aperitif and 3-Course-Menü by Jürgen Perlinger. Price: 69 Euro per person. Reservations are possible under (04242) 399 93.

Der Klagenfurter Roland Zingerle, liest im “Warmbaderhof” van de signaler Heinz Sablatnig-Reihe “Das geerbte Weingut”

Der Klagenfurter Roland Zingerle, liest im “Warmbaderhof” van de signaler Heinz Sablatnig-Reihe “Das geerbte Weingut”

© KK/Philipp Scheiflinger

There are no hotels in a Villach that offer the best holiday destinations in the Krimifest Carinthia. All Autoren, Termine and Reservation possibilities can be found here.