
Delivery Hero announces new Ergebnisse for Q2 and H1 2024 • news • onvista

Delivery Hero announces new Ergebnisse for Q2 and H1 2024 • news • onvista

EQS News: Delivery Hero SE / Schlagwort(e): Quartals-/Zwischenmitteilung

Delivery Hero provides complete Ergebnisse for Q2 and H1 2024

29.08.2024 / 08:24 Central European Time/Central European Time

Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

Delivery hero given exaggerating Heearnings for Q2 and H1 2024 have begun

  • Weltweites GMV-Wachstum von 7%1 in Q2 ggü. Vj., außerhalb Asia lags behind the GMV interest in quarters at 23%1 in annual comparisons
  • Gesamtes Umsatzwachstum in segment in Q2 at 20%1 in annual comparison
  • Proven EBITDA of 240 million. EUR und FCF2-Break-even im halbjahr 2024, weitere FCF-Generierung im lingeren Halbjahr 2024 erwartet
  • Das Unternehmen best result of the positive Ausblick for the Geschäftsjahr 2024
  • Delivery Hero prepares the reports on the progress made for the fourth quarter of 2024

Berlin, April 29, 2024 – Delivery Hero SE (“Delivery Hero”, the “Gesellschaft” or the “Gruppe”), the globally leading local delivery platform, which has submitted its financial results for the second quarter of 2024 and the first half-year. Provided that it has great difficulty in putting an end to the economic consequences of the global, profitable growth. In the first half of 2024, Delivery Hero was an EBITDA of 240 million. EUR, was an impressive increase of 231 million. EUR has gained in the half-year rate in 2023 and has broken even against free cash flow2 (FCF). For the second half of the half-year 2024, the company was another positive development at FCF.

The Unternehmen reported a positive Wachstum des Bruttowarenwertes (GMV) of 7%1 for the complete Quartal, which was a headache during a Wachstum at the Bestellungen zurückzuführen ist. The date is GMV-Wachstum außerhalb Asia in the second quarter 2024 at 23%1 gegenüber dem Vorjahr (ggü. Vj.) an.

Delivery Hero castle das Quartal in June with a GMV-Wachstum von 10%1 ggü. vj. ab, wobei das Wachstum from nahezu all Segments kam. The expansion of the AdTech-Geschäfts, des Dmart-Geschäfts, der Service- und Abonnementgebühren sowie der kontinuierlich steigende Anteil an eigen Lieferungen (“own delivery”, OD) can be once again zweistelligen Wachstum der Segmentumsätze, which in the quarter of 2024 at 20 it says %1 gü. vj. zunahmen.

The gross margin of the platform companies will remain stable at 7.6% in the quarter of 2024, but there will be a margin gain for the second half of 2024. In the segment of the integrated vertical markets, the gross margin of the quarter in quarter has not doubled and is now at 4%. We helped and aimed for the Group in 2024 with a German presentation of the realized EBITDA in the segment of the integrated vertical markets in the summer of 2024, but the break-even equilibrium was reached a year ago in December.

Niklas Östberg, CEO and Mitgründer of Delivery Hero, said: “There are a number of other strengths in Quartal with a good Wachstum effect. Zusammen mit besserter Profitability is a matter of unanswered customer service concerns, operational efficiency and an unprotected position in our category. We will continue to have a solid relationship with you during the half year 2024 as well as a successful increase in profit.”

Starke Leistung des Plattformgeschäfts in Allen Regionen

In the MENA region, the plattformgeschäft of the Gruppe a deferred GMV entwicklung of 28%1 over time continued to continue the business activities of the system and the skills development. In Europe, the second quarter of 2024 saw a first GMV Entwicklung of 19%1 ggü. vj. im Vergleich zu europäischen Wettbewerbern führte. In Asia the Umsatz des Plattformgeschäfts is 9%1 ggü. Vj., thank you for the strong equipment of your own charity work and one of the best Werbegeschäfts. The pride of the growing laws in South Korea continues with several initiatives in the second quarter of 2024 for a strong development of the best volumes in the last months. The platform in America broke even in June with rising EBITDA.

Marie-Anne Popp, interim CFO of Delivery Hero, says: “I have got an idea of ​​the financial outlook in a long time with our forecasts for 2024 that will be lovely. Part of the fortress of Quartal 2024, and after a Steigerung, is a factthe operating EBITDA amounts to 231 million euros. opposite the past the free cash flow break-even is achieved. This view reflects the effective securities strategy of broader, profitable growth, cash generation and distributed capital allocation.”

Positiv Cash-Entwicklung im ersten Halbjahr 2024

Delivery Hero will receive a stable cash payment in the first half of 2024, combined with a well-balanced debt profile. After the in-depth financing transaction initially, the company’s capital structure has now been optimized and the debt default profile improved, painting Delivery Hero towards the end of the first half of 2024 in a strong liquidity position with 1.8 Bn. Euro in bar and bar equivalents. This will be removed as quickly as possible from the Verkauf van minoritybeteiligungen und Erlösen aus Kapitalerhöhungen im Rahmen des Verkaufs des Taiwan-Geschäftes. Ein Teil dieser Erlöse in Höhe von 88 Mio. Euro was used during the first half year 2024 for the return of hiking at the open market.

Delivery Hero is preparing for the start of the business in the quarter 2024

Delivery Hero last went to work on the financial market of Dubai, the Lebensmittel-Lieferdienst with Quick-Commerce-Geschäft, the federal states in East East and North Africa, for the fourth quarter of 2024. More details can be found in the ad-hoc-Mitteilung.

Delivery Hero – Forecast Geschäftsjahr 2024

Delivery Hero – Wesentliche Leistungsindikatoren Q2 20243

Note: All information generated in this post is unannounced and based on voluntary information.

1 GMV-Wachstum und Wachstum des Gesamtumsatzes der Segmente bij constant Wechselkursen und ohne Berücksichtigung der Rechnungslegung in Hochinflationsländern.

2Der Free Cash Flow is referred to as Cash Flow from the operational aspects (Veränderungen im Working Capital berücksichtigen keine Forderungen gegenüber Zahlungsdienstleistern and Restaurantverbindlichkeiten) abzüglich Investitionsausgaben and Zahlung von Leasingverbindlichkeiten. Free cash flow becomes meaningless and upgraded.

3. Group positions in the segments Europe, MENA, America and integrated vertical markets will be the US and the Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) that assess the jewel-waiting states during the activities in Argentina, Ghana, Lebanon and/or the Turkish inflow, which is as good as IAS 29 as a high-inflation country qualification. BW = Berichtswährung / KW = Constant Exchange Rate.

4 The differences between the segments and the total of the segments are very large in the konzerninternen Verrechnung von Dienstleistungen, die von de Platform-Geschäftsbereichen and de Integrated Verticals-Geschäftsbereiche verchnet.


Delivery Hero is the well-known local delivery service, the service in over 70 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Near East and Africa. The company started in 2011 as a delivery service for Essen and covers its own logistics on four continents. Shows that Delivery Hero is a pioneer in the field of Quick-Commerce, of the next generation of E-Commerce, with the soul, food and home goods to deliver to customers in a time as a hour – high in 20 to 30 minutes. The company with headquarters in Berlin, Germany, has been listed on the Frankfurt Wertpapierbörse and part of the Börsenindex MDAX since 2017. More information:


Unternehmens- und Finanzkommunikation

[email protected]


Christoph Bast

Leader of the Abteilung Investor Relations

[email protected]


This Mitteilung can be the best zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen, Schätzungen, Ansichten und Prognosen in Bezug auf die künftige Geschäftslage, Ertragslage und Ergebnisse der Delivery Hero SE enthalten (“zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen”). Zukunftsoriented devices are a way to use “glauben”, “schätzen”, “antizipieren”, “erwarten”, “beabsichtigen”, “werden”, or “sollen” so that you can recognize negative and deviant variants or comparable terminologies. Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen umfassen sämtliche Sachverhalte, which are not based on historical facts. Zukunftgericht Aussagen basieren op de gegenwärtigen Meinungen, Prognosen und Annahmen des Vorstands der Delivery Hero SE and the inclusion of erhebliche bekannte and unbekannte Risiken that are unchanged, we will the tatsächlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen and Ereignisse wesentlich von den zkunftsgerichten Aussa gen ausgedrückten or implied see some memories , Leistungen und Ereignissen abweichen konnen. The use of non-concentrated products is not possible as a guarantee for good results and ergebnisse, and if there is no notification of indications, the ergebnisse can not be used or not. The future-oriented contributions contained in this budget only contain this provisional discretion on a daily basis. If you no longer have an overview and overview, you can find information in the relevant information on how to perform an overview or an overview of the display and how to set the operation or perform a review or display of the settings Keiten, which after the posting of this item has been comprehensively updated, can be more accurate. Make sure that you get off to a good start or that you correct. If you do not want Veronwortung in the first place, then the future-oriented statements or changes contained herein will be incorporated.

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