
Pernod Ricard goes to Wachstumskurs – USA and China bleiben schwach

Pernod Ricard goes to Wachstumskurs – USA and China bleiben schwach

PARIS (dpa-AFX) – Pernod Ricard’s spiritual restorer leads us to one of the full lower blessings in the US that drives China’s Chinese economy. In both regions, the Marken repairer with Absolut Vodka and Havana Club in the Kommenden Monaten is rückläufige Umsätze. Even though the higher amounts are not taxed, the first quarter is not yet taxed. Konzernweit soll der Umsatz im laufenden Geschäftsjahr (until the end of June) from the owner Kraft aber wieder auf the Wachstumskurs zurückkehren, wie das Unternehmen am Donnerstag in Paris mitteilte.

I have four fourth quarter figures (to the end of June) of the organic value of 3 percent at 2.66 billion euros and the field was a swagger, as analysts befürchtet. I think it is a question of own strength at Vorjahre level, which in the US 9 percent less business was made and in China as much as 10 percent. Mittelfristig the management of Alexandre Ricard continued with the end of 4 to 7 percent Umsatzwachstum an.

Nominate the prize for a foursome of proceeds for 11.6 billion euros. The operating margin deteriorated 72 basis points to 26.9 percent. There are two activities going on where roads are deducted from the Weingeschaft, a number of financial institutions and higher tax payments are an amount of 34 percent on 1.5 billion euros. The action was for the trading reserve 0.7 percent. The rate of the investment bank RBC paid the bills.

Pernod Ricard and its competitors can make the high time of the Corona pandemic a strong demand for spirits more profitable for two years. After the boom follows the market and the normalization of the market. All things considered, the demand will be longer than expected./lew/nas/stk

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