
Weniger Hitze by more Wald im Aschthal

Weniger Hitze by more Wald im Aschthal

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Weniger Hitze by more Wald im Aschthal
View into Aschthal near Leeder, built in the Weldener Straße. Roads of the rising temperature in the forest with the help of the hanging parts. © Jaïs

“We will bring the forest back into the village,” is the motto of Gemeinderat Josef Weber, who is the representative of the community forest community. Bis zur Unterkante des Hanges is een man in Aschthal einpflanzen. In Anliegen, Michael Lang from Forstrevier Lech was a bad choice.

Fuchstal – Weil immer heißer became, müsse man Maßnahmen im Sinne der “Verdunstungskühle” erreifen, concretet Förster Lang. You are no longer in the Forest in the Talsohle and its Ortschaft Leeder-reiche, it is so important to find the people in the Dorf time in the climatic walking time, especially for the entire Mitbürger.

Mehr Wald im Aschthal: Aufforstung versus Naherholungsgebiet?

Früher reichte der Wald von den Höhenrücken in the north of Sachsenrieder Forst is located at the back of Aschthal. But they are still grown up in silence: if they are happy, they will be more pleasant. These were all in „two dicke Eichen“ (Language) so there was an effect on the Verdunstungskühle seen in a Hektar Wiese. If you think about this, it is a small part of the single-handed structure handle at Grünland in the Aschthal. The Bayerische Staatsforsten is gradually creating a new development for the Euro market. The Forster, the area that has appeared in the west of the rural districts, has a positive feature: The market merchant has secured a west-oriented area, a three-hectare area for the eco-contour.

The Fuchstal must put one of the following instructions on the Flächennutzungsplan. In connection with the attacking of the Landscape picture in Aschthal as the Naherholungs area changes. It is important that you make the purchase, so Lang. If you see the function of the Waldes in the Zeiten or Klimawandels unnoticed: It is filtered on extreme Niederschläge and it is one of the most important criticisms of the flood protection.

Der Waldumbau für den Klimawandel

De Auswirkungen des Klimawandels verdeutlichte der frühere Revierförster Ludwig Pertl aus Kaufering dem Fuchstaler Gemeinderat. For 20 years the yearly period for the region of the country has been located at 8.4 degrees. 2023 habe man achieved 10.4 Grad. Das A und O ist laut Pertl een lebendiger, under Boden. An intact Wald did not live longer than 25 years in a warm summer. There was a “Jahr des Bodens” 2014 and in 2016 started projects for the European Union, one of the best country travel plans. Letztes Jahr sei in Fuchstal first a Prämiensystem für de Wald der Zukunft ausgelobt. Prices in summer are around 10,000 euros.

2024 is the year of the Waldbodens. The major rural district project “Life Future Forest” has been completed. The Fuchstaler speed is higher than the Beschluss, the Ziele des Zukunftswaldes will be less struts and umzusetzen. If the nachpflanzen stabilizer Baumarten is on its own flächen, besides the prämiensystems, wenn private own maßnahmen zum Waldumbau engreifen.

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