
Erster Live Podcast „Glas with Lars“: That is what ex-Bild-Chef Diekmann in Leer betrayed

Erster Live Podcast „Glas with Lars“: That is what ex-Bild-Chef Diekmann in Leer betrayed

Putin, Kohl, Wulff und een spezielle penis-darstellung: Darüber sprach am Mittwoch Ex-‘Bild’ chef Kai Diekmann with Lars Reckermann. The Chief Editor hatte ihn in seinen Podcast loaded.

Learn – Who is an interview with Vladimir Putin? Who war Helmut Kohl as a person behind the facade of the Federal Chancellor and political professor? What is going on when your own penis makes a stock work that is so expensive? Questions that in Germany can only be answered by one person: Kai Diekmann. The former chef of the “Bild”-Zeitung was on Wednesday to guest as editor-in-chief of this newspaper. In “Ein Glas mit Lars” Lars Reckermann speaks to the polarizing media during the live broadcast of podcasts on the forum of the Sparkasse Leer-Wittmund in Leer. Most of the time, the journalism of both journalists is put on the German newspaper with a larger Tageszeitung and their opinion on the separation in the politics of the whole world. Around 200 viewers are watching is so.

Journalist Kai Diekmann reported on his turbulent career. Photo: Ortgies

Journalist Kai Diekmann reported on his turbulent career. Photo: Ortgies

Diekmann and the bag

The Auseinandersetzung between the Boulevardchef editor and the left-oriented “Tageszeitung” (Taz) is legendary. “Die, Taz hat sich an mir abgearbeitet,” said Kai Diekmann. Read more criticism of the editors of the work of “Bild” and the chef editors. It is a bizarre world that, when the “Taz” 2002 wrote, Diekmann in California had a penis enlargement, the whole mislang and his nun kasriert sei. There is an incorrect representation of the time. He said to Diekmann: “The war of the great fighters, it is my power.” When the “Taz” reported now, other media have emerged from the bizarre process and the story. Mediendeutschland sprach als nur noch über Diekmanns nicht verlängerten Penis. “Rache is always a dessert, it is always served,” says Diekmann and now it turns out that it is tasty. Zum een, weil er Genosse der gemeinschaftlich getrageneen “Taz” wurde en auf de Gesellschafterversammlungen long Referate über aus seiner Sicht good Journalismus stopten konnte. Zum others weil the “Taz” 2009 and a few hours ago a riesige Wandfries by Peter Lenk was born, while the Diekmanns penis had a great Stockwerke experience, and the art of the Zeitung word, the installation more and more. “I’m glad I don’t dare, we would like to experience Japanese Touri-Busse das Kunstwerk,” he says self-bstironically.

Rund 200 Zuschauer kamen zur Liveaufzeichnung des Podcast "A glass with Lars"Photo: Ortgies

Rund 200 Zuschauer zur Liveaufzeichnung des Podcast “Ein Glas mit Lars”. Photo: Ortgies

Diekmann and politics

“You can’t be a Bild boss if you’re not a political person,” says Diekmann of his job. The Boulevardzeitung is no longer in Busen, but in politics. As chef of “Bild” Diekmann spoke with many political activities, from the 1990s to the 2000s. “It’s not normal,” it’s a fact. Donald Trump remained in history among others. The conversation is unwanted. Where other state and political organizations have a greater demand for an interview that is accepted, is that the Vereinbarung zum Gesprek with Trump now contains a text message file. “Afterwards, nobody has freed the interview either,” said Diekmann. It is a fact that Trump has been given a slap in the face by the others.

Kai Diekmann and Lars Reckermann (right) discuss politics and journalism. Photo: Ortgies

Kai Diekmann and Lars Reckermann (right) discuss politics and journalism. Photo: Ortgies

But Diekmann comes up with an idea, Fehler will have it. It is clear that I am Beispiel of ex-kanzler Gerhard Schröder. “Wir haben damals bei ‘Bild’ die Agenda 2010 schlicht nicht intellecten,” says one, looking back. “Heute ich, the Agenda 2010 has been a economic success over 15 years, which is now the case, with the economic wonder of the 50s/60s years.” The “Bild” has not shed any light on Anteil am Sturz des Kanzlers gehabt. “I am completely free from guilt,” said Diekmann. The Russian policy of the Altkanzlers stops at the grundfalsch.

Diekmann and Putin

In Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin Kai Diekmann no longer lies. There is criticism of the incentives, which can be seen as a source of wool, while Putin will leave his father and mother. “We must do that honestly”, according to Diekmann. When Putin I and Putin II will see the reaction of the West to the Anschläge on September 11, 2001, the element of its development will take place. The West has seen the Diekmanns with the Islamic terror and a new Feindbild image and Russia has been “still the tank station”. “Ready Gorbachev has made it clear in intermittent interviews that the Russians from the West do not feel any more seriously”, according to Diekmann. His transmission after a stitch in the Russian Russian soul. ‘Putin will instill fear in us’, said. So he also enters into interviews and conversations. “I have always experienced how KGB practices are used”, said Diekmann. So it is a matter of an interview with the community of Schwimmen. For the journalists who make an annoying remark, Putin has made a bad case and they have both come together.

The two men are standing together on the Sparkassenforum. Photo: Ortgies

The two men are standing together on the Sparkassenforum. Photo: Ortgies

Diekmann and Kohl

German personalities work for Diekmann at Theme Helmut Kohl. The two men were among the best of the Bundeskanzlers 2017 close friends. Kennengelernt is when it comes to traveling companions, which Diekmann starts as a political chef. There are many people who have a trust effect, which is frozen, if Kohl has a stranglehold. The common work and the Memoirs have brought so close together, that Kohl Diekmanns Trauzeuge was and otherwise. “Er war private, then war die Nähe kein Problem”, says the journalist. Kohl has adopted the standard for normal life, but is a long political issue. There is a person who has a “Zärtlichkeit”, as Diekmann said. On 40. The day on which Kohl has loaded the journalists an organ concert in the Speyrer Dom. “There was much that I gave, which I could not buy,” said Diekmann. It was done. Once you know how Diekmann reaches the end of the moment, it is his friend Kohl with his Totenbett-sah. “He had a very nice facial impression,” so Diekmann.

Diekmann and Wulff

To conclude, Diekmann and Reckermann did not go on the next Wulff affair. The damaging Bundespräsident Christian Wulff insulted the Minister-President of Lower Saxony to insult the government of the headquarters. “Bild” and other media will publish their investigation into the topic. By playing Wulff Diekmann on the man and drawing a “picture” chef, it is not possible to work lightly. It is a fact that it is one of the best ways to get the men moving, the Diekmann concrete welding nimmt. “Ich konnte mein gleück kaum fassen, dass sich Wulff immer wieder zu meinem Buch äußerte”, said Diekmann. In Diekmann’s autobiography “Ich war Bild” the theme naturally came up. Diekmann erzählte, wie is war, de wüsten Drohungen Wulffs auf der Mailbox zu haben. “The thought, the knowledge that the Media in Berlin so conduct, who are in Hannover”, thus Diekmann. Darüber has collapsed. “A game for communication,” said Diekmann.

By Christian Wulff it is a good idea to get Lars Reckermann in trouble. The next „Ein Glas mit Lars“-live show will take place on November 23. The guest then: Former Federal President Christian Wulff. All information about the ticket sale was published last night.

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