
„Später im Job gibt es keine Musterlösungen“

„Später im Job gibt es keine Musterlösungen“

Frau Knorn, Sie haben für Student: inten een Regelungstechnik-Adventkalender met Rätselaufgaben erstellt. Man could also choose from a self-made top flap set in TU-Rot…
Knorn: That was far from the Hauptgewinn! The file is intended to play the Regelungstechnik-Escape-Room of the Fachgebiets that are taking place.

Advent calendar, escape room… Brauchen Ihre Student: Is the motivation so great that you feel like it?
Knorn: Please note that the work carried out in this way is as efficient as possible. With such mathematical methods, which use the energy in a system, and chemical or energy-like methods, the outflow can be achieved. You can imagine that it is a nice party, with any functions, such as cars, chemicals or stromnetze trade. If you’re right, mathematics is abstract and all abstract people are often the first motivation.

Völlmecke: Ich finde, ist een falscher Anspruch, dass sich Student:innen durch vermeintlich trockenen Stoff “durchbeißen” sollen – Lernen with Spaß ist veechenfreundlicher. When you get to a job, it’s not like the guy is learning excessively. It is also good preparation with the sales results in the Studium survey.

If you have found an escape room, Frau Völlmecke, zum Thema Mechanik.
Völlmecke: Gerade an Escape-Room is ideal for interest, interest for arousing. Das Rätsel-
If you have a problem with a troubleshooting, the man can convey more information, describing your knowledge: of the technical knowledge.

Was my Zielgruppen studying?
Known: For all the things that were known. There is a German decline in the study race from a technical point of view. For the Society it is worthwhile to use an even larger factory mangle at some point in the following years. I have also developed workshops for mathematics, including programming of robots.

Völlmecke: My research works with a 3D printer and structural stability. Optimize lighting and save a lot of weight and less CO₂. Zusammen mit Biotechnolog: It is possible to create a biological building material extracted from the pill. Everything is accomplished in a Schüler:innen. Gerade hats have a Willkommensklasse with us.

Manche problems for the problem were not solved, but wei, manliche Ingenieure diese Probleme nicht haben.

Christina VöllmeckeTU Berlin

Frauen und Menschen mit Migrationsintergrund are unterrepräsentiert in de Technikwissenschaften. A reservoir, in the mangle of an engineer: should it be taken care of?
Knorn: Auf jeden Fall, aber das is nun Grund für unsere Bemühungen. Your more diverse group of people is one of the ideas that no longer exists from its reformation. As the Wahrscheinlichkeit increases, complex problems are solved. Once it is like this, it is likely that man will be bored, a tolle Arbeit wie de von Ingenieur:innen zu machen!

Völlmecke: There is no argument. Many problems for the problem were not solved, but we, manliche Ingenieure diese problems were not solved. I am an “Engineering for Equity Think Tank” of the TU Berlin, who both collaborates with the TU professor Stefanie Marker, with students beispielsweise and technical research for the Frauenheilkunde, and those who do not think about it.

Beinfussen Ihre unconventionellen Methoden auch Ihre others Seminare?
Völlmecke: Auf jeden Fall. Who says: It is possible to make a choice of the method used in the foreground. It seems that I have the Rahmen geschützten or Fehler machen zu können.

Hört itself is painful.
Known: Für die meisten yes. Einige Studenten aber leisten massiv Widerstand. That man is as Professor in legends, that man is as Frau no longer stops white.

While a study by TU professor and transfer mathematics teacher Martina Schraudner celebrates the celebration that Forscher:innen, the vermitteln-können, auch gut in der Wissenschaft sind.
Völlmecke: Dann hängen Sie das mal een die große Glocke! Tatsächlich nutzt solches Engagement in Deutschland etwa in Berufungsverhandlungen leader nur sehr wenig. In the states of England, Canada or Australia, men seem to be happy here.