
Steht der Reaktor der Zukunft in Aargau?

Steht der Reaktor der Zukunft in Aargau?

So what is a crude container and with a piece of cake: Does the reactor of the future stand bare in Aargau?

Schon zwei Monate voor dem Entscheid des Bundesrats, das Bauverbot für AKW aufzuheben, hat de Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen with one dänischen Firma eine Researchkooperation commenced. These are all important, with a new kind of response technology that works better – the Ziele is ambitious.

“I wish I could use new technologies to make them better.” This is what Andreas Pautz, Nuclear Engineer at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen, said in an interview with AZ in February 2022. Pautz is very concerned about this: “If we look at the Swiss Middle-bis long-term, the nuclear options for energy production that may be used are a forschung new Konzepten unabdingbar.»