
44. Fuldaer Weinfest has started

44. Fuldaer Weinfest has started

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44. Fuldaer Weinfest has started
Sommer, Sonne, Wein, Musik: Die Gäste im Fuldaer Museumshof lassen sich die guten Tropfen am 44. Weinfest im barocken Ambiente schmecken. © Mediennetzwerk Hessen / Martin Engel

The 44th Weinfest in Fulda is a party in the Museumhof. From 28 August to 7 September we can try Weinliebhaber de Guten Tropfen.

Fulda – Die Vorbereitungen liefen bereits Tage zvor auf Hochtouren and de Veranstalter freuten sich auf eight Tage voler guter Laune, Wein, Musik and gutem Wetter. Jupp Hahner Weingroßhandel, Wein Schmitt, the Heimat Fulda and the Weingesellschaft offer the guests with more than 120 erlesenen Weinen from Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Übersee everything, the Weinliebhaber begehren – equal, ob lieblich, trocken, fruchtig, herb oder Red-oder Weisswein.

Music, lighter and fine trofen: 44. Fuldaer Weinfest has started

During the summer temperatures, the Museumshof am Mittwochabend, August 28, is completely filled. For the organizers, Wein-Schmitt, Weinhändler Jupp Hahner, the Weingesellschaft, the Heimat and the Catering-Team Zur Linde from Bimbach, thank you for celebrating the Fest. There is concrete, which is a connecting Fest Generations. Moreover, it is true that it will be a big Abordnung from the Fuldaer Partnerstadt Arles.

When thinking about the Olympic Games in Paris, how the responsibilities on a sports disziplin are conceived: Wein serialeren! So the Fuldas Stadtbaurat Daniel Schreiner (parteilos) and Dominik Höhl (Stadtmarketing) with full Weingläsern among others Ende des Hofes Weintrauben and Käse holen, one of the two Weinköniginnen dies unfailingly by their service. One Show, the Gelungenwar. We both just went happily to the stage.

Damit aber nicht genug. The Fränkische Weinkönigin Lisa Lehritter and the German Weinkönigin Eva Brockmann enjoy themselves, das 44. Weinfest in Fulda zu Besuchen. For the celebration of both: we connect people and create a healthy community.

Under the Schirmherr des Weinfestes, Oberbürgermeister Dr. Heiko Wingenfeld (CDU) traveled with Schirm in the autumn in those years. “As the former OB Dr. Wolfgang Hamberger with the Hahner family, the Weinfest in Fulda was an establishment in the 1980s, which were fast every day, but it can be said that in Fulda no one sets up with a Schoppen Wein on the road. “Sie beweisen das Gegenteil: That is living wine culture”.

Video: Ausgelassene Stimmung am Fuldaer Weinfest 2024

The Seine Ansprache began with a Schmunzeln, which was a taufte ground of the Leistung when serving the Stadtbaurat-schnell in Stadtweinrat um. Laughter included. There are many more things that mean the end of the 80s in the 80s, while the party does not continue, and is now at 44. There is a rift between the people: “Sie beweisen das Gegenteil. Das ist lebendige Weinkultur”.

With an eye-opener in the direction of the Weinköniginnen-merkte is: “When a Franconian Weinkönigin comes to Fulda, the money is more Weihen to reach. That speaks for the Fuldische Weinkultur”. The German Weinkönigin war started a year ago when the French Weinkönigin at Gast in Fulda. Oh yes, Gast. Not only from Arles was angry. Look at the Wirtschaftsjunioren Fulda with guests: the Wirtschaftsjunioren from Wisconsin/USA. If you have a problem, you can store lockers with your money, belongings and nets without being in the way.

Eight x Eight: One of the eight days, eight different artists and bands play on stage. The music genre is large – from pop-up rock, party music or schlager there is music for your taste and was great. When Jerry James and The Jets got going, the Genussfestival at the Schlosshof became the Startschuss.

There are more bands for ausgelassene music: Die Soundaholics, Jenny and the Gang, Sabho, Jerry James and the Jets, Brassolution, the Großlangheimern, Sunny Vibes, the Rossinis, who have an advantage for eight days during swing, funk and soul hits, pop and rock classics as well as party hits and with their sounds young and old speak alike. The country inn “Die Linde” of the Günther family from Bimbach offers the guests delicious dishes, among other things a flammkuchen.

Ach Musiker has stopped eight Tagen die Gäste

Im Museumshof has a window around 2000 Gäste Platz, in the historic Gemäuern des Museumshofs den Wein zu genßen. The Veranstalter can host an all together with 20,000 guests. Enjoy the Wine Festival for all guests from 5 p.m. to 24 p.m. (Sonntag, Montag und Dienstag sind Ruhetage). Come and join us: After 19 pm there is no charge for the end of the day. Lediglich an de Freitagen and Samstagen wird for Spätentschlossene, who first after 19 Uhr zum Weinfest dazustoßen möchten at Einingang a smaller “Späti-Musikbeitrag” in Höhe of fünf Euro erhoben.

Roads of the active Vorkommnisse (Messerattentat in Solingen) provide the Behörden auf dem Weinfest in Fulda the Security Measures. Laut Mitveranstalter Josef Hahner had the chance to not get any vorfälle. “We spend a lot of time with our guests who are attentive in Solingen am living here, we are prepared to spend some time and enjoy the wine festival,” says Hahner.


Mittwoch, August 28, at 5 p.m.: Pop and rock music with Jerry James and The Jets. Free entry.

Donnerstag, August 29, at 5 p.m.: Ausdrucksstarker Gesang und Musikvielfalt met der Sängerin Sabho. Eintritt free.

Friday, August 30, at 5 p.m.: Pop, rock hits and medleys with the band Jenny and the Gang. Entry free from 7pm, then 5 euros.

Samstag, August 31, at 5 p.m.: Hits mit der Show- und Stimmungskapelle Die Großlangheimer. Free from 7pm, then 5 euros.

Von Sonntag, September 1, until service day, September 3, pauses the Weinfest.

Mittwoch, September 4, at 5 p.m.: Italo-Style, Schlager, Partymusik and much more with the Band Die Rossinis. Eintritt free.

Donnerstag, September 5, at 5 p.m.: Rock, Pop, Swing and Latin with the band Sunny Vibes. Free entry.

Freitag, September 6, at 5 p.m.: Partycharts with Bläserarrangements with the Band Soundaholics. Free from 7pm, then 5 euros.

Samstag, September 7, at 5 p.m.: Party stimmung with the Band Brassolution. Free from 7pm, then 5 euros.

The Watch Service, with the Weinfest organizers after the last years of their lives, will raise intense awareness all the time. It is true that there are bag controls. “Aufgrund der Ereignisse von Solingen wurden zum Beispiel die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen for the Bonifatius-Musical at Fuldaer Domplatz, the bevorstehende Weinfest im Fuldaer Museumhof and the Festival der Vielfalt in Bebra entsprechend”, he is from the Polizeipräsidium.

“Wir legen großen Wert darauf, dass die Polizei sichtbar in Erscheinung tritt, um the objective Security, but also the subjective Health of the People zu erhöhen”, concretet Polizei-Pressesprecher Patrick Bug.