
FCSG Jubilation after Conference League Qualification – Reactions from Trabzon

FCSG Jubilation after Conference League Qualification – Reactions from Trabzon

“There soll die Eier in die Hand”: So in love with the magical FCSG Night – and that since those two Wermutstropfen

Ungläubigkeit, Befriedigung, Musik, tiefer Stolz, Freude pur! The small FC St.Gallen has completed the qualification for the Conference League. And the first Finale in the young Saison was won – in the success there was no other way. It was their passive passion – and Freude was the coup d’état.

Done! The game of FC St.Gallen rejoices in the penalty shootouts.

Done! The game of FC St.Gallen rejoices in the penalty shootouts.

Image: Freshfocus (Trabzon, August 29, 2024)

Man weiss gar nicht, woman begin soll nach diesem so glorious wie ergolgreichen Abnützungskampf against Trabzonspor. Is it the most recent Halbzeit of FC St.Gallen? When Lehrbuch-Tor von Isaac Schmidt shows up in the dress of FC St.Gallen? Is the temperature not warm enough for the Ostschweizer in Papara Park Leiden? Beim separated No-Look-Penalty from Stephan Ambrosius? Are you a music lover in the cabinets of FC St.Gallen?