
Mirja du Mont is so cool! If you see more Tara

Mirja du Mont is so cool! If you see more Tara

The entertainment news on the GALA ticker: Mirja Du Mont is happy with Taras first TV experience +++ Paris Hilton wehrt sich gegen Erziehungskritik +++ Doris-Day-Only Ryan Melcher with Vater.

Entertainment News 2024: All News and News on the GALA Ticker

August 30, 2024

Mirja du Mont is so cool! If you see more Tara

Out of children, people became power! This experience ended up with MirjaDu Mont, 48, and daughter Tara, 23, went on Instagram happily. The last test to be done on the scale was obtained in May 2024 as a Bachelor of Arts. Inzwieren is the young woman in Munich who has the power in the TV industry. “If you make another post for the ‘Taff’-gemacht-hat”, the mother posted a screenshot of the Fernseh-beitrages in her Instagram story, after which she was processed as an editor in the realized ProSieben magazine format.

Mirja du Mont: Next Milestone! Yet Tara has the power on TV in a name


And Tara is in Berufs-Himmel, who is Aussieht. If you use a social media channel on a photo, this is clear in its display. It is important that you make the right decision at the age of 23 to involve your home in private activities and it was a complizierten gestalten duration. Who betrays both Instagram feeds, says that he and the music player Daniel Weixler lost, his profile bio between Vienna and Berlin commutes. But now was first one of the Karriere-angstkurbelt. Die Liebe finds another way.

Mirja du Mont: Next Milestone! Yet Tara has the power on TV in a name


August 29, 2024

Paris Hilton has received a critical review

Paris Hilton, 43, is the mother of Mama von Sohn Phoenix, 1, and Töchterchen London, 9 months. In the middle of society, the Hotel Erbin has been inherited since 2021 with Carter Reum, 43, his fans regularly and in their family life – so who now. On your TikTok account you post a video, at the time when the hunt has an unsafe power, it is on the lake schippern. “To see how Phoenix understands the world, something was very special for me!”, the second-mother writes.

Below the clip you can see his comments – most of which are critical. “Even if there are many passers-by, the swimming hole is lost. It’s good when children learn something as slow as a helmet when cycling. That can save life”, the Userin reports, while another Nutzerin writes: “There is power over fear, in the swimming hole to see! Man can no longer be on the water.” It doesn’t take long before Paris Hilton ends up on the care messages of the fans. “Hey Mamas, thank you for the Rat and the standard is a my favorite. It’s a big Boat & my Man and I follow his whole life and fun in who Falken. My babies are my World”, the 43-year-old confirms.

Doris-Day-Only Ryan Melcher with Vater

Ryan Melcher, 41, and his wife Brittney, who started the year of the jaw in October, can find a more happy sign: The couple is one of the first things to look good. The beautiful news gives the ankle of drama legend Doris Day, †97, in the social media. On the Instagram account, a message from 41 years ago is posted in a video, in case Eltern falls in the arm and suddenly puts ultra-sharp images in the room.

The last time Ryan and Brittney met a Strampler was “Babygirl Melcher”. They both also got a Mädchen. “Baby Melcher is coming in February and will not be going to the next Kapitel-freuen”, the Enkel of “Bettgeflüster”-Darstellerin writes.

August 28, 2024

Ingrid van Bergen looks forward to sitting in the car

The actress Ingrid van Bergen, 93, has been growing up since 2017. As one of the larger companies a large part of the time on RTL-Dschungelcamp in the year 2009 in Erinnerung has played. Anschließend was of Bergen unter anderm in der beliebten Soap “Doctor’s Diary” or an edition of “Promi Shopping Queen” to see. The film “Sharknado 5: Global Swarming” was released in August 2017 on the American-American TV channel “Syfy”.

Im Interview with “Freizeit König” is the film that I have launched on “” now that it has been spoken, which is why the Offentlichkeit herauszoet hat: Die Schauspielerin is in the background of the changes in the Rollstuhl and is no more so smooth, who knows what it has been like. “I was always such a strong person, so I could not be so happy,” said Van Bergen, who said: “Nobody would like me to be so happy.”

Renata Lusin leads weigh Baby Stella under Schlafentzug

Hinter Renata Lusin, 37, lies herausfordernde Stunden: Töchterchen Stella, died on 21. March 2024 born, started the “Let’s Dance” -Profi de Schlaf. When the Tänzerin is lifted, the baby’s rhythm is a fact, the child’s power is the Night plötzlich zum Tag. “It’s time to get back to work at 8:30 PM, and it’s time to wait for 5 hours and not be able to have more fun. You’ll be excited to play, laugh, laugh and play quickly,” Lusin reported in an email. Instagram story.

Disposed of on the next day is Stella’s father Valentin Lusin, 37, who has had a long working day. “First we went home at 10 p.m.,” explains his wife, before saying: “We didn’t sleep all night.” And how Renata Lusin had planned a meeting with her friends in the spa for the next morning, but it is no longer possible. “Ich war so kaputt, ich konnte nichts machen,” states the fresh-faced Mama. If you try to start, shaving the schnell is quickly forgotten, as is the case.

In her Instagram story, Renata Lusin tells a video about her daughter Stella.

In her Instagram story, Renata Lusin tells a video about her daughter Stella.


August 27, 2024

Lena Gercke tells funny moments with her fans

With that description of Lena Gercke, 36, tomorrow not to be forgotten. The model has followed a moment in a drugstore with signals on social media. “I’m planning to go to dm today in mich selbst reinglaufen,” she wrote in her Instagram story and said your product poster in the drawers. The bottom line: You can buy Lena Gercke’s perfume here at short notice.

Lena Gercke played herself in a Drogerie

Lena Gercke played herself in a Drogerie

© lenagercke / Instagram

With my own Diffuser, which bears the name “LeGer Signature”, it is so that the 36-year-old is a long-term heir and the fans can offer their product. “Das Parfum war schon komplett weg, so happy, that es euch gefällt”, remarks the Model in his Story. A small figure keeps her mother’s mother busy and says her full shopping spree. “Ich liebe Drogerien einfach”, she writes sharply there.

Gülcan Kamps lasted a long time in Ehemann during Date Night with Justin Timberlake

Früher interviews Gülcan Kamps, 41, for the music channel Viva the big Popstars, it is useless to make a romantic date night with Ehemann Sebastian Kamps, 42. The others are two-man children can release themselves from toys and fairy tales and enjoy something of time – also quickly. With beautiful fans in the Cologne Lanxess Arena of Hits by Justin Timberlake, 43. I think Ehemann Sebastian has used the Job as an Insta-Husband, the quality of films is a matter of attention and attention from a woman.

In a black, concrete look, Gülcan poses for his pleasure. If they are very interested, they post on Instagram and show their men a hint to get credit in diamond emoji. Damit knows everything.

August 26, 2024

Thomas Gottschalk grants holiday with blessing Karina and the daughter

Urlaub as Patchwork family: Thomas Gottschalk, 74, with impressions of the holiday home with the blessing Verlobten Karina Mroß receives. On Instagram – Profile of the ehemalige “Wetten, dass.. ?” – Moderator a Reihe von sommerlichen Aufnahmen. While Melinda goes to war, the greatest blessing is Liebsten, who has his own image of what is there. “A few days of Urlaub in Ibiza with Karina, Melinda and Friends! The Book is great, the Autor ebenfalls! Reason is Silber, Schreiben ist Schrott! Read power Spaß! Vamos a la playa”, comments the Fernsehmann die final rücke.

The images look, with the couple of the landscape of the sun-worshipped island, a good food and a cooling in Pool genius. Also Karinas Tochter Melinda shines over the free time with her mumbling and her partner with her free time. Gottschalks Zeilen they read out, that is a book written that is now a fertigstellen konnte.

From war 1976 to 2024 Thomas Gottschalk with signalman Ex-frau Thea Gottschalk, 78, verheiratet. Since 2019, the Moderator has been with her Lebensgefährtin Karina Mroß sister, with her few Monaten left.

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