
Landesweite Streiks in Portugal meets Reisende zum Ende der Sommerferien

Landesweite Streiks in Portugal meets Reisende zum Ende der Sommerferien

Zum End of the summer holidays in more Bundesländern müssen sich Portugal-Reisende auf Probleme and the Flughäfen des Landes einstellen. For this Wochenende, landesweite Streiks van Abfertigungspersonals angekündigt, so the Auswärtige Amt (AA).

If autumn fails to arrive, the woman can come to the full complement of flight traffic, which is in the AA’s travel instructions in Portugal. Holidaymakers should check their flight status regularly.

First before we would know what the personal destination of Easyjet in Portugal is, this is not possible. The airline can make the trip for the German trip, but this can only yield a small part.