
Tennis club association – Donauwörther was in Perchtoldsdorf zu Besuch

Tennis club association – Donauwörther was in Perchtoldsdorf zu Besuch

There is a long tradition of visits between the two tennis clubs. Make sure you stay a year longer than the 50-year partnership between Donauwörth and Perchtoldsdorf.

Every two years the two partner clubs meet on a Wednesday in August. This annual war of the Perchtoldsdorfer Tennis Klub (PTK) and the Reihe and the Donau-Friend followed the Ruf of PTK president Georg Hoblik.

The Vorstandsteam with Stellvertreter Wolfgang Zeppelzauer, Sportwart Sebastian Karall, Julia Just (Finanzen) and Petrissa Karall (Eventverantliche), prepared an awechlungreiche program, which started at Freitag with the Begrüßung of the Guest.

In the foreground is the game with the gelben Filzkugel. Neben zahlreichen Bewerben dared not fehlen on the legendary Präsidentendoppel am Sonntag nicht. The youth can get into trouble and die Wochenende and war will devastate them.

If eating beer, heurigenbuffet and grilled food is not a wish, then canteen chef Lukas Negedly with his team will take care of it. It is a beautiful, cheerful and friendly interaction with women, not surprising, that is so “Tränchen” with Farewell floss.