
AfD demonstration in Lichtenberg: Alert, Alert, Anti-AfD!

AfD demonstration in Lichtenberg: Alert, Alert, Anti-AfD!

The Lichtenberger AfD faction demonstrates a planted Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Bezirk in the Donnerstag. Zu Gegendemos kamen more Menschen.

Keine weitere Aufnahme von new Asylbewerbern in Lichtenberg, for the AfD Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

BERLIN taz | Do you see what the Syrer is doing in Germany?, fragment of the AfD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Gottfried Curio de Menge. “1 Million!”, ruft is empört. “Also now 0.1 Prozent von de kriminell ist, sind das endausend Menschen. Eintausend Solingen-Attenäter! Would we like to live in the country?“.

Curio spricht am Donnerstagagend in front of the Linden-Center in Lichtenberger Ortsteil Hohenschönhausen among the approximately 200 demonstrators, who are themselves AfD-Kundgebung under the motto „We are ours! Lichtenberg is full!” I’m at the Prerower Platz versammelt haben.

“The truth is that all our seriousness will continue to fly in Germany,” or so it is. “That’s ridiculous. We will never see Afghanistan again, we will never live in Berlin.” The Jubel is great.

The racist Parolen Curios and Seiner Vorrednerin, der Berliner AfD-Landesvorsitzenden Kristin Brinker, were always the ones who were overwhelmed by Trommeln, Tröten and Music: “Moshpit from the Nazis, we are aware of the Schädeln dieser haveserfüllten Wesen”, shouts from the Boxes quer über den Platz. Der Lärm comes from “Lichtenberg Solidarisch”, a Bündnis zvilgesellschaftlicher Initiative, Organisationen en Parteien, which as a Gegenprotest against the AfD-Demo a Kundgebung gegen Rassismus organized hat.

At some point he found another way in which the anti-fascist initiative has developed. Around 250 people have gathered both demos, one of them is right of the setzen, the SPD, Jusos and Linke, Omas have rights and the International Communist Youth Organization. “Lichtenberg remains a push, Hohenschönhausen remains a push!”, they shout.

AfD-Demo focused on refugee support

Analyze the knowledge of the Lichtenberg AfD faction and the plenary of the black senate, we repeat the issue in the dismantling. The former City Hotel Berlin East on Landsberger Allee is a great experience and a community service for 1,200 dollars. From November the Gebäude vom Land angemietet was built. The first residents are a little scared in the winter, the entire bet will be lost in July 2025. Criticism is not necessary, there are no roads that bring more costs, but the roads of the high burdens for the company. Lichtenberg houses neben Pankow, Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Tempelhof-Schöneberg who have the most Geflüchteten.

“Wir fordern vom schwarz-roten Senate: Keine weitere Aufnahme of new Asylbewerbern in Lichtenberg”, wrote the AfD in ihrem Demo-Aufruf. Zum plants Hotel-Umbau an der Landsberger Allee hat die Partei für de 26.9 eine Sondersitzung der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung (BVV) beantragt.

It is a fact that the senators and the governments can separate the criticism of the senate and the government. “Lichtenberg is the Ort with the great Kinderarmut, great schools and care practices,” said the Bezirksabgeordnete Toni Kraus (Linke). There is much more to the financing of man, it can be said: “We have not had a flight crisis, but also a welfare crisis.” There has been criticism that the financial burden of the flight burden has recently been abgewälzt. There is great pride in this: “It is our human responsibility that protects our people.”

An AfD demonstrator sees it differently: “In Pankow, more luxurious living areas have been created,” behauptet das Parteimitglied gegenüber der taz, “und wir?” Deutsch Pole. When you see everything disappear, it’s worth imagining. There has been AfD-Mitglied for 11 years, there is a friend of the identity of Martin Sellner in Potsdam before the war of the ‘Remigration Plan’. “Ein ganz finer Kerl”, says the AfDler. And: “There is no Nazi!”

The AfD instrumentalises the Morde in Solingen

The right-wing extremist Sellner hates the Morden in Solingen who wrote on X: “The ‘Festival of the Vielfalt’ is secretly sought by the Vielfalt.” The end of the break is his “Remigration” on.

The Kundgebung in Lichtenberg wurde schon vor den Morden in Solingen reported, but that Tat was am Donnerstagabend instrumentalisiert, een rassist Narrative en Abschiebedebatten zu befeuern. Gottfried Curio has got an idea of ​​what is happening in Germany, and who will become many migrants, is würden. “We have not been willing to do anything, we will die!”, it says. “Wolt in Solingen or the AfD?”.

With a look at the next Landtagswahlen in Ostdeutschland, the AfD siege said: Kristin Brinker spoke in ihrem Redebeitrag, the fact that AfD in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia became the strongest Kraft, Gottfried Curio said: “To meet on Sunday is an um 18 Uhr wieder and feiern a Feast of Democracy!”

The Gegendemonstration is in the Überzahl

Zum Abschluss der AfD-Demo ertönt die deutsche Nationalhymne, de Protesters*innen sing enchtig mit. A group of schwarz cladding men with “Hitler Youth Schnitt”, Sunglasses and T-shirts with the inscription “Heimliebe” mokiert, who are shouted and laughed by Polizei and Absperrgitter abgezäunten Gegendemonstrant*innen: “Alerta, Alerta, Antifascista!”

„Lasst euch nicht provozieren“, lautet derweil die Ansage auf der Gegendemo. When the end of the records reached the music, it became a success. “Last euch nicht einschüchtern. Want more!”