
Union Berlin won’t miss Gosens – FC St. Pauli submits Fehlstart

Union Berlin won’t miss Gosens – FC St. Pauli submits Fehlstart

Hollerbach-Treffer rich

Union Berlin won't miss Gosens - FC St. Pauli submits Fehlstart


See if Robin Gosens gives the Union Berlin Rückkehrer FC St. Pauli a bright start in the Bundesliga. The German National Player, Rekordeinkauf and Top Scorer of Köpenicker, loses the last Drücker who Eisernen after a game time and stands with 1:0 (1:0)-Erfolg nicht more Kader. For 22,012 Zuschauern im auskauften Stadion An der Alten Försterei avancierte Stürmer Benedict Hollerbach with his Tor in der 34. Minute zum Spieler des Abends.

Die Gast, de uber nicht Strecken gut mithielten, ärgerten sich nach der zweiten Niederlage in zweiten Saisonspiel. “We have plenty of time to play our games,” said St. Paul Offensive Player Johannes Eggestein at “DAZN”, and we have a lot of chances to get through. “That letzte Genauigkeit” has been missing from man. Mitspieler Philipp Treu ergänzte: „Der letzte Pass kam nicht immer präzise an.“ Dennoch könne man in der Bundesliga mithalten, nur müsse man eben die Tore machen.

A large part of the discussion is about the party: “If they are four in my davon, that’s Robin heute auf dem Platz steht and play. Then we will come to terms with the situation and we will continue to do so,” said Union-Geschäftsführer Horst Heldt. Auch ihn habe der Gosens-Wechsel überrascht.

Union vs. St. Pauli: Erstes Duell both Vereine in the Bundesliga

While Abgang Gosens’ report of the Serbian Angreifers Andrej Ilic in the background the Berliner for a season of French first-team players OSC Lille. While the 24-year-old playing time of a new Mannschaftscomrades could still be directed from outside, the ebenfalls new mandatory Tom Rothe made his debut and bumped into the Gosens position an appealing performance.

All things were going well with each other during their time in the highest German gaming class during both seasons, torching and mangelware. Umso überraschender field die Führung durch Hollerbach nach einer Ecke. Der Stürmer zog aus 18 Metern ab en hatte Glück, dass der Ball noch unhaltbar für St. Paulis Schlussmann Nikola Vasilj abgefälscht wurde.

If the food is a success, it is a campfire, while the host family was more dominant, but it was not that the Hamburger came to taste. Union Defender Danilho Doekhi played with a Schlenzer in the 51. Minutenwinst on Tor von St. Pauli.
It was more rewarding to meet the guest during the einwechslung of Elias Saad and Oladapo Afolayan. These two Aufstiegshelden brought Tempo over the Außenbahnen. Black and white, St. Pauli now has more games, depending on the guest’s four-minute entertainment time. The last Chance adopted Unions Torwart Frederik Rönnow.