
Who fell Potenzial haben Europas Aktienmärkte?

Who fell Potenzial haben Europas Aktienmärkte?

Baader Bank: The current global economy can solve the biggest structural problem in Germany and Europe.

Dagegen says America Steherqualitäten.

Would you like to know more about Konjunktur Europas in a new performance signal?

“It’s the economy, idiot!”

Because the world economy is in slump, European nations can no longer demonstrate their structure through stronger exports.

Who fell Potenzial haben Europas Aktienmärkte?

These slaps are so negative in Buche. Besserung is not in Sicht.

On the basis of the Beziehungskrise of the Ampelregierung, the Handlungsfähigkeit-kosten, the economics policy Verunsicherung will continue.

So we will not reinvest in business, nor the interests of work, it will be worth letting go of the enterprise, regardless of the extent to which fears can be spared.

Angesichts der beharrlichen Stimmungseintrübungen in Industrie, Dienstleistungssektoren und beim Konsum schlittert de deutsche Wirtschaft laut ifo Institut – de Geschäftserwartungen haben sich das drette Mal in Folge verschlechtert – zunehmend in de Krise.

Auf absehbare Zeit ist bestenfalls Stagnation zu erwarten.

Moreover, there is a European impact on economic dynamics.

In France, the conjunctures of the Olympic Games were painted bare in the Mangelung von Strukturveränderungen. Other brand names are Germanosklerose.

Offensively, the economic environment in America has become worse.

As the Wachstums’ momentum increases, the US economy becomes more robust.

America is also a serious problem, having deposed the US House of Representatives by 6.6 percent, while the situation is again a Harris issue under Trump.

New debts have been incurred for the development of the standards, promoting the reindustrialization and strategic financing of the market at Halbleitern.

The results of the Entwicklungen are recognized in Asia.

I am a European member of a Wahlsieg of Kamala Harris, who has not had any leadership.

America would follow its legal advantages on its nocturnal Europe and the German economy.

At the table you must report the German debt. If you wish to do any of the following, it is safe to file a report.

The money will now be used for standard improvements in line with market economic principles.

There is no question of the state having a strategically sound or ideologically best idea in which it invested.

Bessere Verkehrswege, hoherer Bildungsgrad und höhere Netzqualität, Energieversorgung zu wettbewerbsfähigen Peisen und Steuersenkungen anyway Entbürokratisierung, deindustrialisierung Deutschlands und de schlechte Wirtschaftspsychologie umkehren.

What is the matter, that we are in an international brutal situation: We will continue to live in this world with new debts settled bzw. aufbaut, können wir nicht zuschauen.

Trotz der schlechteren wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gehen die europäische Aktienmark nicht in Sack und Asche.

The DAX could create a new All-time car. The Wirtschaftsstandort is not on the Börsenplatz.

This is the case since the new developments in Germany and Europe have become increasingly common.

A European Mittelstand can increasingly fly, the chatter and the actions of Aktien-Reihe.

European firms are no longer as productive, but international production is being expanded and rendered useless in the American or Chinese market.

Europe’s Aktienmarking is a way to eat

If you get into the industry in Europe, there is no great know-how, but the well-spread world.

If America improves its infrastructure and the Gleiche in the Schwellenland is passive, profits are made on European and German industrial culture.

Tatsächlich is a European company with 70 percent of its expenditure in other continents.

Safe, with the technology that protects America from a powerful economic sector.

That’s not what Europe is coming back to. Think of one of the Schwerpunkt on substanzstarken Value-Aktien with ertragreichen Geschäftsmodels and stabilizing Cashflows.

Konkret sind Industriewerte ua aus de Bereichen Elektrotechnik und Transportwegen der absehbaren weltkonjunkturellen erholung attraktiv.

Banks benefit from increased profitability and savings.

Aber in the sector Gesundheit finds itself Perlen with stable high margins, the teilweise deutlich über dem europäischen Durchschnitt lie.

Equal time can be a solid balance sheet with a small debt claim.

You can make profit with the view of biotechnology in the field of innovation, merger and innovation.

Nor lie about the schlechten Wirtschaftsnachrichten de Bewertungsabschläge der Eurozone en voor allem deutscher Aktien zur US-Konkurrenz met beef 40 bzw. 45 Prozent auf bzw. in the Nahe ihrer Rekordstandde.

If the picture is true of the sustainable profits in Europe and Germany, the jewels of the sovereign wealth are generally lying in the US.

The research focuses on more European companies and opportunities for American titles, but it will not be possible to make the High Tech title of a risk diversification, which are fundamentally more attractive, but a possibility is being considered.

Never again make a profit on the European economy if the US entrepreneurs die from the sweat and writing of the fantasy of the Zinssenkungs fantasy and go into the Atlantic Ocean, it is so that our financial finances are taken over as a larger capitalization Blue Chips.

One of the European titles used with the US Competition titles is targeting a number of Euro investors through the young investments in the community.

Chart of the week

Marktlage – Stimmung wieder zu gut?

There is a chance that the Börsenweisseit will come into action over time and in September – almost punctually at the Herbst Rallye – the Börsen will return.

Black that this rule is lost in the present time.

Take your chance to win a golden Aktien-Herbst gut.

Many large investor groups started on the “Black Monday” in August and the stock markets continued and a V-former organization was organized.

All the collective risk towers – Konjunktur, Geopolitik, US-Wahl – have become possible and more interesting.

The big US-Chip-Entwicklers have “Wow”-Factor the haushohen Erwartungen not who jeletzt übertrifft, sorts completely for a Schlagloch on the gutted US-Aktien-Highway.

If the phrase is experienced as euphoric, volatility is more likely to increase.

The fundamental power is to increase the volume of commercial paper on the New York Stock Exchange, which further advances and stabilizes its activities.

Sentiment und Charttechnik DAX – Was kommt nach dem Allzeithoch?

Unter Anlegermacht sich FOMO (“fear of missing out”) breeds. As Angst, der Rallye hinterherzulaufen, you have ended up in your defensive Haltung.

Your depreciation and terminology may have fallen in line with the rate.

Erneute Rücksetzer würden die probabile Anleger auf dem falschen Fuß erwischen and könnten so ruckartig für Kursrücksetzer sogen.

This “Luftloch” is displayed – whoever cleans quickly in the letter Zeit üblich.

As a counterweight to the significant overhang of optimists on a retail area on the US stock market, there is a focus on future developments.

Setzt der DAX seine Aufwärtsbewegung fort, trifft is bei 18.893, 19.000 anyway 19.125 Punkten auf Widerstände.

Bei een Korrektur lie Unterstützungen bei 18.856, 18.779, 18.680 und 18.662 Punkten.

Market commentary by Robert Halver, Baader Bank