
Was “Tatort” commissioner Mark Waschke the Liebe zu sagen hat

Was “Tatort” commissioner Mark Waschke the Liebe zu sagen hat

The war is over in the legend Berliner Kneipe White-Trash-Fast-Food, with Schauspieler Mark Waschke (ua “Tatort Berlin”) and Musiker and Autor Maximilian Hecker another prepared in the year 2002 on the road dear.

“Of course, the father of the night friends has become, a small Wortspiel-anzubringen”, grinned Hecker in KURIER-Gespräch. Over the years, they are both no longer lost and can come together with the program “Lotteheart” in the Wiener Theater Akzent (September 13).

Was "Tatort"-Commissar Mark Waschke über die Liebe zu sagen hat

In the program “Lotteheart” changed Heckers written Worte mit der Vortragsweise von Waschke

I have presented Heckers book “Lottewelt” and his album “Neverheart”. If this musical lesson radiates the best part of the music, Hecker can make the best piece of music. “Die Art, wie Mark the most mendacious is, anyway one of the last things, which my Schreiben-war went through”, Hecker explains, where Mark Waschke paid his attention to here.

Denn in dem Buch verarbeitet Hecker op Autobiografies. So if you want art, you can be prägt by the geburt and the frühen Tod seiner schwerstbehinderten Schwester (in Buch Lieselotte genannt). “If the romantic life has a natural background and your man, who is still alive, can and is always willing to make love, and in the moment, if he can make love, he will soon be alive. Diese Angst vor Nähe and all these Sachen say natürlich Leute, die in my heart like a child traumatisiert be sin.”

Was "Tatort"-Commissar Mark Waschke über die Liebe zu sagen hat

Auch Schauspieler Mark Waschke has such a problem with star and viewing concepts. “Für mi hát lieben ganz fell with Sehen zu tun, mit Wahrnehmen, Spüren with allen Sinnen and das, was da ist, aushalten and einfach sein lassen. Ich habe auch meine Kämpfe with these romantics Liebesideal hinter mir en der unfassbar tief sitzenden Prägung von der Gesellschaft, der Familie, dass es was zu erreichen gibt.”

We were there when we arrived and was there, with signaler Rolle as “Tatort” Commissioner Robert Karow. “The Phänomen is yes, so bald man is a supervisor in ‘Tatort’ übernimmt, ist man kein Schauspieler mehr, sonondern ‘Tatort’-Kommissar. And so been the Leute teilweise auch on the Straße, weil sie think, man knows himself. That is kurios.”

Were there more chances that the criticism would arise, “that man in the mainstream-Fernsehen trade can – who is the first homosexual or bisexual Ermittler – who is found to be evil.”

Was since 2015 and can be used even more. “So long is the power of sin, so long those books are so toll sind and so long, so it struck again, I’ll do it further.”