
Rita Diers works as a nurse director at the Mariannen Hospital Werl

Rita Diers works as a nurse director at the Mariannen Hospital Werl

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Rita Diers works as a nurse director at the Mariannen Hospital Werl
A würdige Verabschiedung: Rita Diers (front left) received the Ruhestand at the end of August. Geschäftsführer Christian Larisch, Prokurist Tobias Franke, Prokurist Thorsten Roy (hinten on the left) and Nachfolgerin Filiz Hinz thanked Danke. © Thomas Nitsche

After more than 40 years in care, Rita Diers, nurse practitioner of the Mariannen-Hospitals Werl, in the Ruhestand.

Werl – Schon als Schulkind stands for the celebration that he is in the Pflege Arbeiten wollte. Dieser Wunsch hat his berufliche Laufbahn über Jahrzehnte hindweg prägt, or wenn zwischendurch other berufliche Wege beschritt.

Your career began in 1980 with the publication of Krankenschwester in the Marienkrankenhaus Soest. Prepared in your Ausbildungszeit are the emotional height and the tension of the personal attention: “It is a night, in the comb everything together. I have never had an idea of ​​a strong support and care. Shortly thereafter I was invited in the circle room for support and experienced a birth with it. Had the intensities and emotional events increased internally?” This may take a few years, but it cannot be otherwise: “Ich liebe diesen Beruf.”

After Rita Diers was born in other cities, she became bald in the Marienkrankenhaus nearby. 1986 began to take a longer break, a private experience in the kitchen and new commotion in another branch of the same group. Letztlich sog es jedoch zurück ins Krankenhaus, weil sie hren Job so missing. “With the support of my first students, I remember the Wiedereinstieg”.

Guidance for organization and structure

2001 went on the way to the Marian Hospital in Werl, where the war in the Inner Division war took place. The management of the organization and the structure is motivated by a number of station management courses to release. The bad director Gertrud Puschmann-Rickert can exercise the involvement with young students and students in the station management of the “Fußstation”. When Rita Diers appealed to her study companion and was absolutely acquitted of a study, the qualification for her education was ermöglicht. 2011 wrote that the Nachfolge as Pflegedirektorin des Mariannen hospitals a.

“The ethical work, the commitment for those people, is always a great commitment,” he said in retrospect. Ober Mitarbeiter, Patients or Angehörige – für Dieren are the good Miteinander stets in Mittelpunkt. “Wir produces nothing here. If man is a man and that is the case now, then all things that happen will happen,” so Diers.

These properties belong to the Geschäftsführung des Mariannen-Ziekenhuizen sehr geschätzt. “Frau Diers hat as Pflegedirektorin stets verschiedene Berufsgruppen and Positionen with other connections and brought together a community of Nenner”, says Geschäftsführer Christian Larisch. Der Kaufmännische Direktor Tobias Franke said: “They were always connected to the Hospital Association and that they were not lost in the view of the Mariannen-Hospital.” Both described themselves as a “real institution” of the House and themselves for their own care.

“Thank you for your good work life”

Rita Diers leaves the Krankenhaus with a good feeling. “I am grateful and froh daüber, that I have such a great working life haben dared,” he said. If it is concrete, if it is in hand, the Insane House may be raised. “That is something I can do with great confidence.”

In her new phase of life, Rita Diers would stay on the farm for a long time, traveling with her caravan: “I am tense, what passion is coming.”

Ihre Nachfolge als Pflegedirektorin tritt Filiz Hinz an. The hereditary wealth and credit institutions have named the management of the intensive station of the Werler Krankenhauss and are constantly fortress note on its new role. “Wir gratulieren Frau Hinz and our friends are happy with their nursing work in the Directorate as well as in the Hospital Association”, Christian Larisch explains.