
Achimer Stadtmarketing sees positive results after the Streetfood Festival

Achimer Stadtmarketing sees positive results after the Streetfood Festival

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Achimer Stadtmarketing sees positive results after the Streetfood Festival
The war between pianist and singer Emanuel Jahreis on the Samstagmittag was lost on the Baumplatz. © Bartz

The Street Food Festival in the Achimer Fußgängerzone war in Erfolg. The exhibitors can hold on all hands. They are proud of their long-term support for the support of their visitors and their loved ones. Tina Fischer from city marketing can give product sales a new look. A Knackpunkt can arrange financing – a sponsor is not possible.

Achim – It’s going fast, as the City of Achim and the Unternehmergemeinschaft (Uga) for the Veranstaltungen in the Fußgängerzone of the good Wettergleich Mitgebucht: Ob at the Stadtfesten, während der Summertime-Reihe, dem Weinfest, dem Mobilitätssonntag and now both of them Premiere of the Streetfood Festivals on the Baumplatz – there are many streams in the streets of the Sun in the Innenstadt.

Reportedly positive cases by Fazit von Tina Fischer vom Stadtmarketing zum Abschluss der Open-Air-Saison am Rande des Foodtruck-Festivals aus, bei dem zwölf Imbissstände Speisen in the world Angeboten have organized a Kids Area for the Spa with the Little Ones and played with music and a show by guests.

Auftritt der Künstler von Stelzen-Art am Abend
Auftritt der Künstler von Stelzen-Art am Abend © Bartz

“The Veranstaltung ist von de Achimern sehr gutommenmenmenmen. Der Feiertag war mit Abstand am best view – that was fast so full, then there is a lot of time for a half-term operation and only Food trucks.” Be aware of that situation, that’s it Standbetreiber weigh a Panne First I’m swimming Tag anreisen konnte. We offer you a delicious snack, enjoy your meal and enjoy your meal. All those tags were free Plätze und de Bierzeltgarnituren und Stehtische in de späten Nachmittagsstunden Mangelware.

The Veranstaltung is an Angebot for those years that do not travel in the Herbstferien.

The positive result of the fisherman is that he is the best in the kitchen with the guests and the sister of Oldenburger Agentur Boese-Events, war is being waged on the company and the environment is affected. Boese Events Guarantiert nach Auskunft von Fischer de Standbetreibern a minestumsatz – that is better than playing, when the water is poor and therefore there are few visitors.

Zeitweise war es schwer, a free Platz to find.
Zeitweise war es schwer, a free Platz to find. © Bartz

If the officer gives the fish almost a rundum-sorglos package. “Das Team has done everything for our organization. The war continues and uncomplicated – and the war continues, if everything is done with everything: Bühne, Tische und Banke, the Stände, the Künstler, Toilettenwagen, Müllentsorgung, Marketing – and encounter a few other companies. Zum Abschluss wird noch die Strom- und Wasserabrechnung fällig.” Insgesamt see the Veranstaltung aber favorable: For all three days the price has dropped to 10,000 euros.

Moreover, Fischer may continue to work on this task: “My wish is that the Streetfood Festival is still alive. Allerdings have appeared on a sponsor of the Firma Ficontec.“ This may be a celebration. “Im October it is more fun and people have more pleasure in their warm Essen,” says Fischer, who looks forward to seeing more: “The transformation is a real Angebot für diejenigen, die in de Herbstferien nicht rereisen.“