
Bayern: Willkommen in (H)Aschheim – Club kämpft um Cannabis-Anbau

Bayern: Willkommen in (H)Aschheim – Club kämpft um Cannabis-Anbau

Willkommen in (H)Aschheim – Club kämpft a Cannabis-Anbau

During the July period, special cannabis regulations are used for the use of the air – as least as they are used. Whoever is difficult to weave in Bavaria, white Wenzel Cerveny.

Munich (dpa/lby) – That the small village of Aschheim near Munich in particular also became a haven for Haschheim is to be thanked by all Wenzel Cerveny. While the power of “Chillout Clubs” in Germany and the last years of hunting came, there was energy and a bisschen Freude for its right fight, Cannabis was increasingly used for the Mitglieder Seines Clubs.

Mit Holzpferd und Spielhäuschen are Cannabis-Anbau

In the lower prices of these products, special Hanfprodukte supermarkets can sell the green prices and the care of the bilang rund 120. If the Gemeinde is not for the Rathaus, in the district des Marktes, a small, has the Holzpferd a gestellte hoes and a small, blue Häuschen. The gilded nun nämlich as “Rathaus-Spielplatz” – and on the 200 meter long playground is an exhibition that is not finished.

If you start working with the Cannabis Club, you can only be hindered. When Christian Schürer got one of the “negative insights”, he said that he had made a good assessment.

It is an idea that the Cerveny cannot be adjusted. “Those on the Spielplatz now, while Mütter are afraid, the entire Drogenszene vom Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof sees jetzt um nach Aschheim.” Der Spielplatz is absurd. “Einmal I have two children”, said Cerveny, the construction of the Spielplatz camp – and a healer for his “Chillout Club”.

More than 280 Anträge auf Anbauvereinigungen

Cerveny hat einen von bislang more as 280 Anträgen für Cannabis-Anbauvereinigungen in Deutschland gestellt. Bundesweit wurden bislang 14 Erlaubnisse erteilt, elf davon in Lower Saxony, wie een Umfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur ergab.

In Bavaria, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has gotten the idea that Kiffern wants so badly that he is given the power to help the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) for 24 years.

Since July 1st, two studies on cannabis legalization in Germany are possible without any concerns regarding “Engineering” with up to 500 percent of the start date and will finally be completed. The Clubs use cannabis that is used and not used for personal use.

Club mitglieder for all “Baby Boomer” and Schmerz patients

“The Lord Söder can do the whole thing very well,” said Cerveny. “You should never leave the church in the village.” The member clubs are all “Baby Boomers”. “The most are €50, many of their schmerz patients,” said the dpa. And if you want to save costs, it is a fact that this is a trap: before the fall there is no generation for construction in bioladen, will be put on the container.

One – his orders for 100,000 euros – has been set up ready. 6000 plugs have a flat, bell, air, air, air and water tightness function with smarter technology. If you can no longer wash, you should take a warning on your hand.

Cannabis plant in container

The complete computer-controlled container system ensures that all safety forks, the visibility and Diebstahlschutz and the characteristic properties of the plants are minimized by the filter system. The system can be large.

Inzwischen is one of the most important things from Aschheim, on the gewerbegrundstücken is the container that is offered, for example Cerveny. While the German Minister of Health Judith Gerlach (CSU) of Ganze Bayern was working, it is a fact that the Prime Minister is still the best.

I am in the Aschheimer Rathaus, the man who welded Container-Idee bislang into it. There is something that happened in the Zeitung gelesen, such as Geschäftsleiter Schürer.

Cerveny is the same itself: “With the container, the jetzt could not be made.”