
Wissensaustausch im Erdbebengebiet –

Wissensaustausch im Erdbebengebiet –


Next year we will always come back to life in Central Italy. A delegation from the Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, which has its Fragen zum Wiederaufbau zerstörter Städte Widmet, has now traveled to the affected city of L’Aquila for a know-how visit.

The Krems delegation under the leadership of Rektor Friedrich Faulhammer and Christian Hanus, Leader of the Research Laboratory for Nachhaltiges Kulturerbe, visited the Baustelle des Palazzo Farinosi Branconi in L’Aquila. Dort is a research into local thinking protections that restaurierung der schwer damaged Wandfresken im Gange. The largest part of Abruzzo-Hauptstadt was 2009 to have a positive experience, 309 people had come to live here.

What are the results of the Kremser Experts about the complex history of the environment of L’Aquila after their experiences, the experiences in the city as well as information about the environment in others affected by natural disasters in areas that could provide services, the content of the Thinking protection of L’Aquila? .

The meeting initiated by the L’Aquila thought protection is the international business that has begun in the fight against the growth of the enterprise. The University of Further Education Krems has been busy for a year with a year in the year 2016 of the small accumulation of the small town of L’Aquila aktiv and a local school. If you are going through study and professional activities, a physical, social and cultural problem is the affected environment of your life.