
Traffic safety – Ampel vor Enzersdorfer Volksschule comes with two months Verspätung

Traffic safety – Ampel vor Enzersdorfer Volksschule comes with two months Verspätung

The peculiarity of the new Ampel in the Enzersdorfer Schlossgasse zu Schulbeginn is that it is solen. Schließlich soll si in erster Linie dafüren, dass de Schulkinder de Straße vor der Volksschule sicher überqueren. Dafür wurde auch extra der Schutzweg verlegt. “Those Baulichen Maßnahmen are so brave. Die Einbauten sind alle eremptt“, said the next Vizebürgermeister Werner Herbert (FPÖ). So a new outflow fläche has been created and the grab for the Stromanschluss has disappeared.

“Wasn’t bad, since the masts for the Ampel – they were taken care of every two weeks”, Herbert explains, that the masts were freely mounted during the Ampel. The Masts no longer look nice. Once the mast is installed, the asphalt can no longer be paved. “Here we have a new change at this time,” says Herbert.

The costs for the targeted trade in the country are a trade in the Landesstraße. The Gemeinde must now come up with the Nebenflächen-Adaptierung.

Bridge has been constructed

It was a fertiggestellt, the new bridge at the Polsterermühle in the Schlossgasse. “Die Brücke is strong. With Montag kan der Postbus als wieder fahren“, explains Herbert, was insofern wichtig ist, als een debtbeginn wieder zahlreiche Schülerinnen en Schüler befördert. “It is not that diverse at Bankett and at Bachgraben. That is not the case with regard to traffic management,’ says Herbert.


The bridge in Schlossgasse is so fertile that people can pass through the post box to the post box.

Werner Herbert