
Learn more about the theme of Essen

Learn more about the theme of Essen

Where does our food come from? Who was re-equiped and exchanged? Who was the whole way of life that Brot restored? In Foodcamp, one of the children’s programs of the Kreisjugendrings (KJR) in Eichstätt, children and young people became a Wissenswertes who run the Thema-essenhuis and exclude the possibility, like the Kochlöffel in the swingen.

In the Alten Schule in Morsbach, a week is now being brought out for 14 children and youth in old age from eight to 13 years, to get to know these themes. The program is a playful form of play with the basis of democratic options. If it is good, the young age is a problem with the Gestaltungsfreiraum. Gemeinsam was born, the children’s and youth work and the magical world were wollen, while the service was expanded and how the gemeinsame Freizeit was brought.

If the theme of the communal cooking and -zubereitens of the Mahlzeiten teaches the children and young people, whoever a raised work, the unified plant, which can loosen the intestines of the abspricht or the conflict. The concept is busy with the belief of the attacking Gestaltung. The teilnehmers have received information about the pyramid-pyramid those years, whereby an interactive gestaltet and angeboten can be made here. The Geschäftsführer of the KJR Eichstätt, Peter Kracklauer, came beforehand, a little ehrenamtlich zu help. If you think back to the question, who are his own brothers, the right direction with the right information has emerged. Also a Biobauernhof der Region was gemeinsam besucht. The children’s and youth activities are fun, dare to carve and bekamen am Ende Lebensmittel für das Camp gifts.

Unterstützung van local versorgern und Ehrenamtlichen

During the establishment of the Foodcamps in the passing years, the contacts with foreign countries and the courts in the region will be re-established, the camp will be supported during Offers, Guidance or Donations. The concept features Karl Zieglwalner, who can introduce himself as “Schagg”, and Simon Kolbe will continue his entire year. The Camp was 2013 was a great success and found its years – abgesehen vom ersten Coronajahr – statt en fand großen Anklang.

“We are working on a bet for a year, which will last for four years as a child in a food camp”, reports Kolbe Stolz. You can find the Leitern Zieglwalner and Kolbe best the team of Betreuerinnen, one or another background background has or actively studied. From the Eichstätter Maria Ward Faculty Academy for Social Work is ready in the past years Erziememorinen in the Ausbildung as Praktikantinen in Camp that have been. So there is a way for the children to get the chance to start with the feeling of childhood and youth.

It includes the shapely freedom that a child has for all children’s and youth food, for example, a simple way to do this or not. On the financial background of the jewelry family, the family of the camps has not fallen in weight. If it is a flexible preparation, the soda may well be worth starting.