
Weimar: Anna Amalia Bibliothek soll Zukunftsarchiv alles

Weimar: Anna Amalia Bibliothek soll Zukunftsarchiv alles

The Duchess Anna Amalia Library in Weimar was founded as the first library to open its modern Research Library and will now – a year after its brand name in September 2004 – set up a new library as a Future Archive. Library Director Reinhard Laube told MDR KULTUR: “It is nice to know that this library has a transparent vision, which can respond to demand and can be in the best condition, when it has found a fragment of the answers.”

Innovative Search Portal

The core of this new concept is a digital portal based on such a machine index. With it, five million titles are foraged. Discover your printed and electronic books, maps and atlantes, music, manuscripts and many special collections.

With this new portal the library will find access to the fragments of the Gegenwart. Reinhard Laube brings his followers to the point: “If our collections are no longer there, is this a new theme in Ukraine?” Whoever searches in the catalog, finds historical maps, but also other sachbücher and Romanes.

If our collections are no more, what is the new theme Ukraine an answer be?

Reinhard Laube, director of Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek

Zeitzeugen-Projekt merges Erfahrungsberichte zum Brand

The project “Future Memory – Zeitzeugen messages” contains video interviews with Zeitzeugen, which contain other von der Brandnacht messages. When the Feuerwehrmann Ralf Seeber started working, he was one of the first Helfer before the war. “Of the alarm because of the lower speed of the roofs since they were easy to survive,” Seeber recalls. “If there is a problem, then that is the case. If you don’t use liters of water with more water or water, it will not change.”

Knapp 40 Interviews that the Library has published in the published Months. Further interviews will be added in the coming weeks. The Zeitzeugen reason that we have found the Verbindung of Duchess Anna Amalia Library and the Wishes for the Future of the House. These voices are the Foundations for valuable experiences, shared by the classical Weimar Foundation with, for a library as a future archive.

Expertise zu Buchrestaurierung weitergeben

Außerdem will die by Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in her research in the field of book restoration with others. From 2008 he started a restaurierungs and Lehrwerkstatt with the classical Stiftung Weimar. In this period of hard work and fuss, everyone who worked for such a generated Aschebüchern work – also a number of grim, painted books, which have been hollowed out by Helferinnen and Helfer nach dem Brand in dem Bauschutt.

Through the library with the most knowledge, the know-how of others also gains insight into their machines. In pilot projects the possibilities of the restoration processes have been tested on the most damaged archives.