
This Wahl can take a break

This Wahl can take a break

Björn Höcke played in the AfD for a long time as an untouchable. But there are still things going wrong. This Wahl can be separated.

It is a Wahlkampfabschluss of the AfD in Erfurt. It’s time for the big finals, they’ll be widely spoken. For the Vortäuschen, man has tatsächlich Aussicht darauf, are regieren, when the Zuhrer wählen gehen, noch rassch ihre Nachbarn überzeugten, all de Zögerlichen, de Nichtwähler. AfD chef Alice Weidel has gone crazy in Thuringia, but it is Mal in that Wahlkampf.

Weidel first flirted with the East, praised the free time, the grateful independence here. When we talked about it: when the AfD’s leadership began, the antifa action was banned as a terrorist association. As soon as the press appears, the “Staatsfunk schrumpfen” will appear. The journalists, who then appear in their Jobs, while the AfD is one of the cases, how high Weidel is – it can put an end to a vernünftige Job nachgehen. If the AfD uses a “real migration turn”, there is no talk of an Abschiebeflug after the Afghanistan short for the Landtagswahlen. “Wahlbetrug”, sneers Weidel.

The crowd cheers, chatters rhythmically. “Abschieben, abschieben”, it is Hundreds of quarrels. The Nazi slogan “Deutschland den Deutschen, exile abroad”, will appear in the agreement before Weidel enters the stage. If the police enter the fray, it may be that Hitlergruß is determined. Man ermitel.

Weidel in Erfurt: Sie nahm zum first Mal am Thüringer Wahlkampf teil.Enlargement of the images
Weidel in Erfurt: Sie nahm zum first Mal am Thüringer Wahlkampf teil. (Quelle: IMAGO/Dwi Anoraganingrum)

Björn Höcke has never been seen like this, the Thuringian Spitzenkandidaat stopped by canceling a designation for the Bühne. If the Mann has achieved the targeted “fascist” goal, the lives of people will be saved – it is the action that their publics take.

Political criticism, the press is einschränken, gegen migrants will do everything with the Grausamkeit, with the Gewalt – it is the totalitarian politics, from there and from me ins Leben gerufene right-wing extreme ‘Flügel’ in the AfD since years träumen, that sie versprechen , auf die si mit fell Patience is needed. Jetzt vertritt Teile davon auch Weidel, the chef of the party, the last Höckes broke out war and would go into the yard of the AfD.

It is a Zeichen von Höckes Power: Ideologically speaking, one of the right-wing extreme “Flügel” of the AfD is in the imposed Stempel. Bis der “Flügel” zur Partei wurde. From 20 to 30 percent estimate AfD functions under the hand of the previous comparisons and were authorized National Conservatives nor. Tendenz sinks. A vernachlässigbare Größe.

Anyway, a large part of the hints of this Process, which actually on the high signal Power signal. But the Gegenteil ist der Fall: His star sinks. History is in the Monaten, if we make a choice from the own bearings, in the dike and in the own land association.

Jeden Tag thinks a little: Höcke mit seinen Sicherheitsmännern underwegs im Wahlkampf.Enlargement of the images
However you do it: There is a phase of the Wahlkampfs in the history of war, but it is a question of more. (Source: IMAGO/Matthias Gränzdörfer)

Much depends on the achievement of this countrywide choice for height. The only thing you can do in your own country is that you can only do it if you have an absolute bed.

A unique davon hat with a high heel hat. A war in the background lasts long, active hints in Kulissen, but outside of Thuringia can be directly erlebbar. A great projection screen. If the unofficial participants are described in the media, as Hitler 2.0, then go to power in the score.

I am Wahlkampf with Höcke from their Treasures. Something has to be done. Interviews with their critical opinions from Presse, TV-Duelle, Wahlkampfarenen – a right-wing extremist muss sich diesen Automatismen for a Wahl-beugenen, masses will come from their own Blase.

Is everything in place? How to deal with a TV broadcast.Enlargement of the images
Is everything in place? How to deal with a broadcast on TV. (Source: Sascha Fromm/Thüringer Allgemeine/Imago)